Divine Feminine - The Goddess    More | Link | All
The energies of the divine feminine have been repressed or denied throughout history. Today, they are emerging again in significant ways.
We must work together to unite the energies of the feminine and the masculine spirit.
The great feminine figures of spirituality and religion can be understood as representatives of a universal spiritual force.
A balance between the feminine and the masculine energies is an essential part of spiritual and cultural health.
The Divine is neither he nor she, male or female, yet holds qualities of both.
"Deep feminism" is a way of perceiving and thinking that follows the interconnectedness of all being and that knows as its base the depth of this interconnectedness.


Inter Faith Mahavidya Temple India's main mission is to revive the Living Goddess Tradition which was lost for thousands of years, when women were worshiped as Goddess and not some icon in a Temple

"Two thousand years of male dominated religion is enough. It is time that all women reclaim their rightful place in society, by embracing the Living Goddess Tradition”.

I have often heard a happy and satisfied mother-in-law refer to her son's wife as the 'coming of Lakshmi (goddess of wealth) incarnate' into her home. This should echo in every home around the world, for all women the embodiment of Mother Lakshmi.

A house will only become a home when the woman of the home is recognized and honored as Mother Lakshmi.

The Living Goddess Tradition is very much alive in India, and it time to take this very way of life to the West where in the past 2,000 years, Christians, Judaism, and Muslims, and most recently the Communists, conspired to wipe out our memories clean of tens of thousands of years of Goddess spirituality, and thus females lost their sacredness. It is time for women to reclaim their sacredness, and to worship all women again as the Living Goddess. Mother Earth has to become the domain of the Mother Goddess, only then will peace and harmonious living prevail as it was before the monotheist religions

Since we stopped worshiping our Living Goddess, we have lost the harmony that we enjoyed. In short we kicked ourselves out of paradise. To regain our harmony we must first learn to worship women as Goddesses.

All women have to take authentic choices that will help to bring back peace and harmony to the world that we live in, as it use to be before monotheist religions, (the belief that there is only one God, as found in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam).

To bring back harmony in our world both men and women have to acknowledge that all women are born goddesses. All women must undertake a personal journey to reclaim their true essence, to be a true Goddess from within. Calling oneself a Goddess does not necessarily make one a Goddess. To become a Goddess one must consciously strip off the layers of shame, guilt, anger, and need, to find our naturally flowing, radiant stream of love, compassion, creative power, bliss, and nurturing within. This may sound to be a daunting task but it is possible.

We have many who are on their way to become a true Goddess.

The Mahavidya Temple offers variety of programs that will help women find their true inner nature.

1. Yoni Healing: The Yoni or womb is the seat of absolute divine presence and power, Adthi-Para-Shakti (Feuerstein, 1998, p.247). Although the Yoni is what makes a women more powerful then men, it is also their weakness. The Yoni is the Holy Grail that deserves to be worshiped and not to be merely used as a form gratification.

2. Para Tan Yoni Puja: Ancient Ritual from the World’s Oldest Living Goddess Tradition. A ritual that will help to align one's inner being with the divine.

3. 15 days Healing Intensive: Learn to deprogram and reprogram one's life that will help oneself merge with the Goddesses within.

4. 2 Year Goddess Training, help to activate all your internal energies, i.e. God/Goddess/Planets and the elements. This will allow one to work in harmony with the Universe


The secret to being a Goddess is to know how to honor oneself. To be a Living Goddess One has to radiate love, grace and light all the time. All women are born in the image of the Great Mother Goddess, and The Living Goddess Program will help all to become the Great Goddess, which is all women birthright.

The earliest societies and religions were matriarchal, during which period women knew that they were part of the Dasa Mahavidya, and the knowledge that these Goddesses are indeed within all human.

It is time that men learn how to honor the Goddess and worship them. It is also time for both men and women to realize the specialness of the Yoni (womb). The earliest time women were divine Goddess who had Vitality and possessed divine attributes like peace, faith, love devotion, and equanimity. They were self-reliant, courageous and had qualities such as endurance, stability, fearlessness, faith, surrender, and patience.

They generally possessed true virtues like modesty, compassion and love, working directly to serve the needs of not only their family but the whole society, which in today’s world is missing.

A Living Goddess should do what they say and say what they do, and do things when and how they say they will.

The Living Goddess Tradition is for both men and women who are seeking a logical, scientific and practically tested set of principles for daily life. It is a practice of right living, about synchronizing the individual activities with the energy of the Universe.

Living Goddess tradition programs are about how to waking up, cleansing, eating, caring for the body with massage, hair oiling, cycle of breath, and sex.

During the Living Goddess Tradition programs, one learns about techniques of centering, about stabilizing one’s energy and about creating a place within one’s being to which one can return at will.

Everything that exists forms one part of a vast and universal play of cosmic energy. There is nothing that has an independent existence. Individuality and Independence are in fact myths, a simple fact being that One cannot exist without air, water or light.

One should surrender one’s emotions, particularly desire and attachment, which cause prana to be dispersed. The state of emptiness behind desire drains prana. One should cultivate the feeling of fullness, that all is infinite, perfect and pure.

How to increase prana

Speech has a fiery nature as such a Living Goddess should cultivate clear speech thus helps her to be radiance. Confused talk disperses the fire of radiance like smoke from a poorly lit fire. To know if one is radiant, one should look at one’s capacity to speak and to articulate oneself.

Harsh or critical speech makes one’s radiance agitated. A living Goddess’s speech should be clear and truthful and also sweet and gentle to develop one’s radiance.

The worst thing that weakens radiance from within is gossip about spiritual teachers, groups and their friends and affairs.

We both take in and give out speech, the words that we take in are the food for our radiance, and those we give out are our expression of radiance. Sound of the Goddesses and planets helps to build radiance. Sound as Mantra is the main method to increasing radiance and speech, and ultimately awakens the Goddess Kundalini

Hrim is the main sound of the Goddesses, it helps to build radiance. Hum is the vey fiery, a sound mantra of Divine wrath, relating to both Lord Shiva and to fire (Agni). This mantra can be used to increase fire within thus increasing radiance.

Dum is the mantra of Mother Durga or the invincible One, her sound can take us across all difficulties.

Om is effective sound for increase radiance as it is the sound of the Sun, also good for increasing Prana

To increase the power of speech the fifteen-fold syllable mantra of Sundari, it also is helpful to increase Prana, divinity, and the power of truthfulness.

Buddhi (Mercury) to build intelligence, which helps us to understand the speech that we send out and receive.

Saturn is another planet that governs prana.

The Mahavidya’s relates to the three principles of Prana, radiance and the primary energy reserve of the body. This principles support each other, keeping the prana up or in an ascending motion helps to sustain energy reserve, as the upward moving prevents the lost of the reserve through downwards discharge of the reserve energy. Person who suffer from fatigue syndrome generally suffer from downwards movement of one’s reserve energy.

Kamala is important to increase energy reserve, devotion, and soma (nectar). Sundari is important because she allows Soma to flow down from the crown chakra. Bagala helps by stopping restlessness movement of prana, which allows inner energy to increase. The sound of all the Divine Mother in all her aspects helps to increase one’s inner energy.

Namaste Shri Devanayagi

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