Centering Prayer    More | Link | Focus
Centering prayer invites all on a spiritual path to sit in the silence, guided by your own principles of faith and understanding.
The objective of centering prayer is to be present to Presence.
To dwell in this state of Presence, chose a word as a symbol that expresses your intention to be with God. Gently introduce your word, supporting your consent to be in this Presence.
When you become aware of anything else (thoughts, feelings, sounds, sensations, etc.), simply, gently, return to the Presence with the use of your Word.
Channel of Resonant Trust - Bonding Agreements    More | Link | Focus
I will take the time to listen carefully and do my best to understand.
I will do my best to be supportive and kind.
I will look for the light and beauty in every person.
I will honor my friends at all times, whether or not they are physically present
Circle    More | Link | FOCUS
Everyone gathers in an actual physical circle, perhaps in chairs, perhaps on the floor or on the ground, perhaps holding hands.
One person speaks at a time.
Everyone gets to speak who wishes to speak.
If appropriate or called for, an object, like a "talking stick", is passed around the circle. The person holding the talking stick has the floor and may speak, while others are silent.
Create a circle.
Consider it a sacred space.
One person speaks at a time.
Speak and listen from the heart.
Encourage and welcome diverse points of view.
Listen with discernment instead of judgment.
Share leadership and resources.
Decide together how decisions will be made.
Work toward consensus when possible.
When in doubt or need, pause and silently ask for guidance.
Decide together what is to be held in confidence.
Speak from your own experience and beliefs rather than speaking for others.
Open and close the circle by hearing each voice. (Check-ins and check-outs.)
Cocreativity    More | Link | Focus
We are all interconnected. No one of us knows it all, or can know it all.
It's ok to "not know". It's ok to be unsure or uncertain. Being open to uncertainty is being open to creativity.
Nobody has to "get it absolutely right the first time." We are all in this together, we will work on it together, we'll get it right.
Because we are all interconnected, we are involved in an evolutionary and collaborative creative process, that interconnects the ideas and insights of everyone in our range of experience.
Collective Resonance    More | Link | Focus
Council    More | Link | Focus
Dances of Universal Peace    More | Link | Focus
Democracy    More | Link | Focus
Everyone gets a vote, everyone is equal.
There are various ways to determine the outcome of a democratic election. The majority does not always determine the winner.
Every point of view should be included in the consensual deliberations.
Some points of view are more valid or valuable than others. Surgeons know more about surgery than famers, so when we are voting on surgery, we listen to surgeons.
Dialogue    More | Link | Focus
Dialogue is "a conversation with a center, not sides."
Dialogue is about a shared inquiry, a way of thinking and reflecting together.
Dialogue is a form of conversation that can be meaningful to people from a large number of backgrounds - from every walk of life, from different cultures or traditions, political or psychological tendencies, or professions and levels of responsibility.
Dialogue deepens the glue that links people together.
Arrange seating in a circle, without tables or desks. This creates an open space and promotes listening.
Start with 5 to 10 minutes of silence.
Go around the circle to check in with each other. What brought you here? What do you need to say to be present?
When you are listening, suspend assumptions. What we assume is often invisible to us. Learn to recognize assumptions by noticing when you are surprised, upset, or annoyed by something someone else is saying.
Listen and speak without judgment. The purpose of dialogue is to come to an understanding of the other, not to determine whether she is good, bad, right, or wrong.
Suspend status. Everyone is an equal partner in the inquiry. There is no seniority or hierarchy. All are colleagues with a mutual quest for insight and clarity.
Each of us is an expert in our own lives, and that is what we bring to the dialogue process.
Listen for understanding, not agreement or belief. You do not have to agree with or believe anything that is said. Your job is listening for understanding, new ideas, and new ways to think about something.
Honor confidentiality.
Create a safe space for self-expression.
Drum Cafe    More | Link | FOCUS
Integral Politics - The Politics of The One    More | Link | Focus
Everything is connected to everything else.
All decisions affecting the group should be made within the context of absolute Oneness.
We are one nation, one planet, one people. Everyone is included. No one is excluded.
Prayer    More | Link | Focus
Resonant Semantics    More | Link | Focus
Language is composed of abstractions, with implicit meaning that can be very broad and uncertain. When the meaning of some abstraction is not entirely clear, do not simply presume to understand, or "project" meaning into the abstraction. Instead, request further information and detail.
Everyone has their own "private dictionary". Try not to impose your personal private meanings on statements from other people. Instead, look for the meanng they intend.
Let the meaning of words be illuminated by the principles of dialogue - let the meaning of a word converge to a common center and a common understanding, shared by you and the speaker.
Learn to be clearly objective. See and hear "what is actually there". Before "reading between the lines", or projecting meaning into something someone has said, make sure you have heard or read what they have actually said, and are doing your best to understand it.
The tendency to "project" meaning into the words spoken by someone else, as based on our own private dictionaries, is a great and dangerous cause of misunderstanding and anger in the world. Don't "see more than is actually there" -- which is a form of hallucination. Make it your objective to truly "see what is actually there."
Sacred Circle    More | Link | Focus
Circles begin with an invocation or blessing.
Circles end with a benediction or blessing.
The circle is conducted with a sense of reverence.
The circle invokes the principle of "Namaste" - "I honor the sacred in you; the sacred within me is One with the sacred in you."
Virtual Circle    More | Link | Focus
Virtual Sacred Circle    More | Link | Focus
Walking the Spiritual Path (Ram Varma)    More | Link | FOCUS
Daily Oneness Meditations (towards Self-connection, Universe-connection and Source Connection). Including Self-observation practice.
Ongoing "Lift Your Spirit" Live groups facilitations.
Ongoing Authentic dialogues (at UCS, Global Resonance and UCS forums).
Detached Involvement/Let go (after doing my level best) practice in my day to day living.
Soul to Soul communications/relationships Awareness (i.e. Namastey) ... compassion, respect and consideration for all I interact with.
Divine Presence and Divine Trust Practice in all I do.
Present Moment Presence and constant Intrinsic Remembrance, "I am a spiritual being having human experiences". And rejecting every form of conditioning in the living of my life, keeping open always.
Ongoing Awareness that I am here to do, to learn, to share and to enjoy. And be not lost (i.e. keep afloat) in the worldly affairs.
Listening to my inner voice and doing things accordingly.
Selfless Service (with my unique talents).
Practice of a "Spiritual Strategist"; focusing on the "Truth" as Is.
Constantly contemplating and seeking the Infinite. And rejecting that which is finite and limited.
Frequent reminders to my vow of maintaining Non-violence/peace in my thoughts, my feelings, my words and my actions.
Being aware of the points of views of others. Acknowledging and respecting their freedom.
Remembering my "Purpose of Life" ... understanding, practicing and sharing the "Truth-Awareness-joyfulness" that we all are in our intrinsic natures. In the process, being that I am and being present with all that is.
Whole Systems Decision-Making (Carolyn Anderson - Co-Creator's Handbook)    More | Link | FOCUS
Rest in a deep knowing that for every challenge there is at least one solution.
Realize that there is no need to convert, fix, or change anyone.
Align in a collective agreement field of shared resonance.
Honor all perspectives by practicing deep listening.
Release preconceived notions, acknowledging that we are not in charge.
Allow decisions to emerge that are congruent with our inner knowing.
Be actively engaged in the process and take full responsibility and ownership for the decision.
Principle 1: Honor body, mind and spirit. The value of what is often called the linear, left-side of the brain or masculine way of processing information is greatly enhanced when used in concert with our artistic, intuitive, more feminine way of knowing. Learning to honor and draw upon both aspects of our mind creates a "whole brain approach" to accessing clarity. It is expansion from linear to holographic thinking.
Principle 2: Observe what is naturally occurring. In a self-organizing system, decisions are revealed by observing what is naturally occurring. Carefully pay attention to where energy is moving and then articulate the process. Release the need to control and predict by trusting life's ability to self-organize. Through this recognition, you can identify new forms and structures that are in alignment with a higher consciousness. Often a decision has already been "released" and the answer is patently obvious. You simply may not have noticed what has happened naturally and organically. The next time you ask "What should we do?" first look to see what is already happening. You may experience a "blinding flash of the obvious."
Principle 3: Work synergistically with nature. Align powerfully with your intention; nature will provide the energy to guide you in your actions. You will experience alignment as deep spontaneous agreement, reinforcement, trust, encouragement and love. Call upon the "spirit of co-creation" to move through the aligned "field" you have created. Invite nature's potent ingredient of synergy to help you discover the decisions that you already know within.
Principle 4: Focus on internal values. The internal process and the path you take to achieve your goals should be consistent. Are you currently modeling the result you want? Are your values embodied in your actions? Plant the seeds in the present moment that are fully aligned with your goals and objectives. Be accountable to your internal process. Learn to self govern from the inside out and to take dominion over the local self.
Principle 5: Relax and have fun, allow decisions to be revealed with ease. Have you ever had a word "on the tip of your tongue"? Have you noticed that the harder you try to remember it, the more difficult it is? Finally, you let it go and move on to something else. In a flash the word appears! By relaxing, you "released" the word. So much brilliance emerges when you are taking a walk, having a shower, or awaken in the middle of the night. The state of resonance is a relaxed state. From this state you can release what you already know. Often when you think it is time to buckle down and get to work, it is when you most need to lighten up! You will discover that many decisions reveal themselves when you think you are taking a break!
Principle 6: Those who know, lead. Leadership is a reflection of the consciousness and connection of the group and mirrors the highest purpose to which the group aspires. Leadership naturally flows from member to member as the focus of the group changes. In order for true growth to occur, the leadership must be open and flexible. Each individual, through his inner guidance, offers his unique talents and insights in response to the needs of the moment. Therefore, the leadership rotates as the individual with the greatest knowing steps forward to lead.
Principle 7: Co-creative power is empowerment. In dominator models of social organization, power was understood as taking and holding on to complete control. To maintain "status" or to prevent being left out, people felt that they had to do things which were not their natural gifts. In contrast, in whole systems decision-making, you discover who has the best knowledge for each activity and then you empower each other to do what you do best. In a co-creative society, power is what you each exhibit when you are in your element-when it is clear you know what to do. You "give away your power" when you do not step forward with your unique gifts and do not share what you know at the appropriate time.
Principle 8: Co-creative structures help to release the decision. The old forms of domination and submission were characterized by force, coercion, and fear. It is no wonder that the old form of deciding was conducted in organizations that had "divisions" (cut off from others) and "departments" (boxed in). By accentuating separation and suppressing empathy and creativity, these structures prevented natural synergy. In whole systems decision-making, each part contributes its precise function freely as a cell within a living body. Each person is honored and respected for his unique gifts. Moving beyond perceptions of scarcity and competition, co-creators build new structures and protocols based on abundance and cooperation. Shared purpose and appreciation for each individual's unique contributions leads to positive change and expansion.
Principle 9: There is always a decision that is mutually beneficial. As all life is interconnected and inter-dependent, the action of any individual part affects the whole. In co-creative organizations everyone's needs are considered and there is always a decision that supports the whole.
Principle 10: Focus on the whole, as well as the self. A key to releasing the best decisions is that each of you is responsible for your own needs. Assessing what is right for you (honoring your needs and living a balanced life) and communicating clearly is the responsibility of each member of the Core Group. Establish a protocol of "check-in" times in which each of you can communicate your thoughts and feelings about the pending decisions; however, do not hold anything back in the moment because it is not an official "check-in" time. Use the protocol of "check-ins" to enhance, and not replace, ongoing communications.
Principle 11: Communicate with integrity. While engaged in the decision-releasing process, consider whether what you are about to say moves the decision forward or stops the flow. If it may stop the flow, rephrase it before speaking. Communicate the truth for you, clearly and without unnecessary drama. Take responsibility for your emotions by being authentic in your expression.
Principle 12: If decisions are not forthcoming, it may be time to re-establish your group's alignment. If you notice undue struggle, effort, or drama in releasing the decision, take time to re-establish your relationships with each other and the goal. There may be underlying emotions, unquestioned beliefs or issues of control. You may want to refer to the processes for resolving feelings of separation. Proceed only when you feel totally aligned again. This may necessitate taking a break and reassembling at a later time or letting the issue rest for a while. Sometimes it is not "right timing" for a decision to be revealed. Perhaps other insights or additional information is needed. Trust the process. When the time is right, a decision will be clear.

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