GTW Global Matrix: October 2008 Gatherings Go to your Light Center

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We are each of Page of Light on which is written the poetry of our experience.
Together we are a vast library of immense intelligence . . .

We stand on the brink of a new civilization that will be known for its deep humanity and harmony. Many conscious people are beginning to feel the potential of what is coalescing. Yet we find ourselves asking -- how will we get from here to there, from a world of inequity and conflict to one of dignity and well-being for all?

The Internet is a portal into understanding one another across many apparent boundaries. It allows communication where before there was none, reaching into our hearts where before distance and authorities or misunderstanding might have obstructed the flow. Used from a place of wisdom with an appreciation for truth the Internet can partner with human intention to circulate information and resources to benefit the entire human race.

LightPages is a step toward such a use of the Internet. By calling itself a "connectory", it invites its users to show up -- to create a personal LightPage -- so that connections may be made locally and by interest that will catalyze and amplify all of our efforts to create a better world.

Part of showing up on your LightPage will be familiar to you as profile information -- how to contact one another, privacy settings, etc. Other questions will reach into your deepest intuition -- what is your dream for humanity, the longing in your heart. Similarly, as you search for connections, you may discover individuals that make sense to you as partners. Others may appear somewhat randomly, but call to you nonetheless to follow your heart.

You will also find organizations using LightPages as a service to their members, asking unique questions, activating partnerships across organizations, empowering each individual to seek out who and what they need at this point in their growth and development from a collaborative pool. You need not be a member of any organization to use LightPages, but please do investigate the LightPages groups as one possibility for right connection.

No matter which organizations you may participate in, you will always be able to return to your own page of operations -- your LightCenter -- by clicking on the geometric logo in the upper right hand corner of each page. From your center you may choose from a number of input and upload options, including keeping track of your organizations and participating in a check-in, a brief self-reflection that also reflects the global picture.

We who hold the vision for LightPages consider it to be a cocreation of those who use it, alchemical and nurturing. Please take a moment each time you enter LightPages to bless this Internet connectivity space with your own highest intention for the One human family that we are. As we use LightPages and other like-systems consciously, learning from one another, and creating a collective field of resonance, we will power the Internet with the human heart, and unleash its vast potential to serve humanity.

LightPages is sponsored by The Interspirit Foundation -

Participation: 153 networks - 48,998 members - as of Jul 2, 2024

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