Dawn's Early Light Go to your Light Center
"The natural corrolary of the Oneness of God and the unity of mankind is the fundamental equality of all men and races before God. And this means, or should mean, a real democracy of spirit in the relation of men to each other."
The Nature and Truth of the Great Religions - August Karl Reischauer

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1 - 102214 - Global Mind-Shift 21 - 2 - 102058 - TA Logo 4D - 3 - 102252 - WIE Collective 1 - 4 - 102250 - Purple Alliance - My Issues 1 - 5 - 101782 - Obama needs our help - 6 - 101425 - Debate and Dialogue - 7 - 102446 - Many Voices One Truth - Center - 8 - 102251 - Evolutionary Spiritual Teachers - 9 - 102257 - Purple Alliance - Why 2 - 10 - 101424 - Initial Matrix on Integral Politics - 11 - 102263 - Tesla Scalar Antenna - 12 - 102280 - Spirit - posted - 13 - 102254 - Note to Craig Hamilton, Integral Enlightenment - 14 - 102006 - The Dark Side of Kumbaya - 15 - 102482 - Tree of the Center - 16 - 102210 - Global Mind-Shift 9 - 17 - 102279 - Spirit of Democracy p3 - 18 - 102268 - Personal Democracy Forum - fix politics - 19 - 101861 - Transpartisan Alliance Team - 20 - 102253 - WIE Collective 2 - 21 - 102003 - TA Logo 6 - 22 - 102262 - Supreme Court - unlimited corporate spending - 23 - 102004 - TA Logo 7 - 24 - 101969 - Omagh Choir 3 - 25 - 101860 - Citizens in Charge - call for activists - 26 - 102411 - Collaborative Weaving 1 - 27 - 101998 - TA Logo 1 - 28 - 102001 - TA Logo 4 - 29 - 102209 - Global Mind-Shift 5 - 30 - 102202 - John Perkins on Courage -

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