Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"The invisible replies and materializes in the form in which it is summoned and imagined." Gerald Heard (1889-1971), English author and philosopher, 'The Third Morality'
The Choice Is Always Ours - Dorothy B. Phillips, Chief Editor

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Welcome to the Love Radiance Intention Group. We are glad that you have arrived here.

If your eyes are reading these words at this very moment, then you've made a choice to be more consciously aware of setting an intention to radiate love from within yourself out into the world around you. You are an integral part of a co-creative collective movement to spread the message of LIVING ONE VIBRATIONAL ENERGY everywhere in every moment with everything and everyone.

Thank you for being alive, thank you for existing, thank you for being willing to participate at whatever level you feel able to do so in this experience. We are realizing more and more how the Power of Love is capable of healing and transforming individual and collective lives throughout the world.

The Love Radiance Intention Group is an ongoing experience in discovering what happens when a group of committed individuals choose to focus on the intention of radiating love in their lives without attachment to any specific results.

The group's understanding is that human beings are made up of vibrational energy that can be raised or lowered according to the degree of consciously chosen attunement to their innermost Essence/Source/Spirit. As we align more with this Essence, we become channels and instruments of Love expressing itself in the world. We gather together in non-local space, via communication through the Internet, with the focused intention of co-creating a collective resonant field of radiant love, which we believe has the power to uplift, inspire, heal and transform the world.

In the Spirit of Co-Creating a More Loving, Peaceful, Compassionate and Harmonious World,

Jonathan Stemer

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