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"Confucius regarded ethical values and ideals as grounded not simply in human nature as such but rather in the superhuman realm, in 'Heaven' or Ultimate Reality."
The Nature and Truth of the Great Religions - August Karl Reischauer

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Hillary H. Click here to view LightPage
Ang Thong, Koh Samui 84140, Surat Thani, Thailand

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Bonnie K. Click here to view LightPage
LA QUINTA, California, United States
I like to think that we are "illuminating the circuitry" of ourselves-- as Light Beings. This is happening as we connect with individuals globally who are consciously attuned to cocreating the planeteary awakening. I can imagine living in a world of pure awareness where we naturally acknowledge the fact that we are ONE BODY OF HUMANITY. Please visit for more information.

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Wendy A. Click here to view LightPage
New York, New York, United States
Wendy Altshuler is a writer-producer who explores myth in new media. Her credits include award-winning screenwriting and WGA-accredited representation. With a degree in psychology and a Master of Arts from Columbia University, Altshuler documented the work of international choreographers and wrote and produced regional programming. She writes fantasy novels and creates works in stop motion animation.

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Audrey A. Click here to view LightPage
Santa Barbara, California, United States
I am an International professional speaker, published writer, social entrepreneur, activist, grassroots organizer, visionary leadership trainer. I am most proud of being mother to two adult children and grand mom to 6 and about ten many others I have adopted in Africa. I have worked in inner city areas teaching life skills, providing re entry services to people coming home from prison, offering business start up assistance and business management consulting services. I have a vision of what a healed America would be like. I want to be a part of the realization of this vision in my lifetime. Just as America has led the way with materialism and dominating the external world, I believe America is called to lead the way in our inward search and in moving the planet from a material worldview to a shared spirituality.

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Linda S. Click here to view LightPage
Brooklyn, New York, United States
I have 2 daughters, 2 granddaughters and 1 grandson. I love digital photos & try to just collect those I like for my own pleasure. I used work about 40 hrs a week as a reservationist for a transport company. I booked trips for the disabled, ill and elderly to their various destinations. My employment enabled me to truly connect with others on a soul to soul basis & was adaptable to my life. I loved this job because I felt I was truly contributing a positive energy to a part of the population that needed love & help the most. Due to my ongoing physical ailments, I now need to earn my total income from home. This is saddening, as I truly did love to help those I booked trips for. Now I spend most of my time networking online, trying to find legitimate work from home opportunities. THE INTERNET HAS FINALLY PROVIDED ME A WAY TO EARN MY INCOME FROM MY HOME. THERE ARE WAYS TO DO THIS & I HAVE FOUND SOME SITES THAT ARE FUN & EASY TO WORK WITH WHILE EARNING. Join me at any of them if you care to.

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Jonathan S. Click here to view LightPage
Eugene, Oregon, United States
I am a soul who is gradually awakening moment by moment to the remembrance of who I am and why I am here on earth at this time... I am cultivating a relationship with the Divine spark of light within my heart and soul... I appreciate the childlike sense of wonder, awe and reverence for the Great Mystery and the beauty that is inside and all around us... I am a poetic mystic, a dreamer awakening within the dream, someone who believes in the power of imagination, and the importance of following one's intuitive guidance from within... I am a heart-centered person who likes communicating from the heart... I am here to discover and give of my gifts/talents and support and inspire others in discovering what they have to give as a contribution to the world... I am here to meet and connect with interesting creative inspiring imaginative people who are part of the global awakening and shift in consciousness happening all over the planet...

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Christina F. Click here to view LightPage
Haiku, Hawaii, United States
I use my human/divine instrument as a advocate and teacher of light for educating, activating, and empowering, those choosing to expand during this global explosion of heart consciousness. I am a visionary author, sound scripture artist, and facilitator providing an emporium for the literary, visual, and vibrational arts to awaken, elevate, activate, empower and expand the blossoming of heart consciousness. I live on Maui and Kauai in Hawaii where I write, paint, facilitate in group settings and enjoy the tropical island environment. Here is a passage from the first page of my book, Call to Unison, A Calling Inward to the Heart: With the shift of the ages upon us, we are being brought from a deep sleep to a profound awakening. What appears as global vision is a conscious, soulful and magnificent deepening. This shift confronts us with the reason we are here, compelling us to recognize that we are in the midst of a period of integration and refinement. Call to Unison offers a potent expression of Living Truths. Embedded within these lines are empowering messages and insights. Here are timeless, primordial teachings: love is the key, the truth is within, know thyself, and be here now. Revealed is our true reason for being on the planet at this time. Call to Unison provides a handbook of essential tools for transformation and coherence. Each of us brings a unique expression and perspective to the blos- soming of consciousness. The aim of awakening to heart consciousness? is to simply be awake and aware enough to transcend the limited self. We are here to shine our light, through our hearts, in unison, so that love can now reign. Thank you very much. Christina

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Constance H. Click here to view LightPage
Huntington Beach, California, United States
it's time the soul takes the necessary steps forward, and i (little me) allows it to happen, instead of resisting the next step ... the soul wants out into the cosmic world of physical, and i'm no longer going to stand in its way!

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Patricia C. Click here to view LightPage
Bloomington, Indiana, United States
In working with individuals, Corporate Wellness Programs, Students, I bring a variety of tools and arts for each client to consider in mapping out a wellness journey path. Aura Balancing, Ho'oponopono, Drum Reiki, Distance Sessions, Reiki Circle, Reiki for PTSD!" I offer support to my students through continuing study class work and Reiki Share.

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UNIVISIONS O. Click here to view LightPage
Hartselle, Alabama, United States

Hello and welcome, YOU are invited to visit and/or join UNIVISIONS SPIRIT CONNEXIONS, a caring place for sharing LOVE, LIGHT and INSPIRATION and fostering AWARENESS of our interconnected ONENESS with All that IS. WE are a portal of Universal Spiritual Networking from ALL cultures, beliefs, races and backgrounds - cultivating a SPIRIT OF LOVE and HARMONY seeing life as a UNIFIED, INTERCONNECTED WHOLE - our intentions are to honor and respect ALL LIFE universally while strengthening the BONDS that enable us to NURTURE, LOVE and SUPPORT each other. Dedicated to Awakening Consciousness, Spiritual Growth and Empowerment. Networking and Lightweaving to increase avenues of support and services, connecting Love-powered, heart-conscious individuals, groups, organizations and networks together for the benefit of all.

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Starr* S. Click here to view LightPage
Scarborough, Western Australia, Australia
Born in the US and now living in Australia I have learned to draw on my intuitive, eclectic, and experiential knowledge as a pattern for life. As a result of writing "Tahirih TheAlogy: Female Cosmic Christ Spirit of the Age" Tahirih Study Circles have developed where women and men can come to study the means of their own empowerment and thus the advancement of civilization. The book has the intent of uniting East and West through the teachings and life of Tahirih-Qurratu'l-Ayn who inaugurated a new cycle for humanity. Since the writing of the book I have Produced and Directed the "Tahirih Divine Voice" , a three part 24 minutes biopic film which can be viewed on my site or on Youtube. I say it is time for humanity to realize that they don't only have to bond with a male God, and it is time to start recognizing the God/ess within. I'm presently taking part in a project on UCS where we are developing and creating a living Garden in the etheric world based on love which we believe will have a positive impact on our world. *Many have moved on from this project; yet the divine Consciousness of it still prevails.

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Michael E. Click here to view LightPage
Melbourne Australia

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S´ace G. Click here to view LightPage
castricum, noord holland, Netherlands
in 2006 i became a bivid, a sortr of a new wor(l)d that catalyzes my personal meaning for the existence to guide my response to life; in the first week of januar 2007 this pivoted to the word bioVoid. Again the word bioVoid has no meaning however invites me to receive energy and get meaning from the messenger in order to understand what happened on the blank sheet. bio :: represents the sensoric realm / quantum / field V oid :: represents the telepathic realm / quantum / field "bio" aligns to the Father, understanding this as the Masculine Principle - the Yang Hemisphere / principle "oid" aligns to the Mother, understanding this as the Feminine Principle - the Yin Hemisphere / principle V aligns to the Child: "the Child First" said my friend Antonio these days ... Again, understanding this is famly life for the Childs need for a Dynamic Field in especially th first 4 years (0-3) of existence - when the child lives in the Family-Womb. To this THoughT is aligned the idea that Each Day / Week / Moon / Year / Leap / etc. Cycle has an End and a New Beginning, a Blank Sheet for Listening ...

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Verronika W. Click here to view LightPage
Tutzing, Bavaria, Germany

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Jane A. Click here to view LightPage
Perris, California, United States
Hi. I'm just like you... I'm a spiritual being having a human experience.

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Joann K. Click here to view LightPage
Pennsylvania, United States

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Wolfgang F. Click here to view LightPage
Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Born in Heidelberg, Germany 1951, normal schooling and tertiary training as medical practitioner. After the failure of my first life plan on traditional euro-centric Christian lines and the break-down of my first marriage I became increasingly prepared to undergo prolonged therapy "Going Sane". In the course of this I regained access to the inner world of feeling which I had lost. The dominance of my head had to give way to an increased sensibility. In the course of an extended learning process with stations between Afghanistan in the east and Peru in the west my rational thinking and emotional sensitivity gradually became harmonized. This involved the giving up - often painfully - of many concepts which my upbringing, my schooling and the social traditions had caused me to hold dear. Certain fears arising during this process increasingly dissolved into feelings of OK-ness and warmth. This was aided by various trance experiences induced by techniques not relying on drugs. My first experience with the light of understanding goes back 20 years. Newly acquired value standards also led to consequences in the private as well as professional spheres: a blind obedience to orders could no longer be reconciled with the autonomy of human beings; many of my own feelings no longer coincided with the general feeling dominant in society; what was deemed to be normal was in many cases seen by me as sheer insanity. Not least of all my personal transformation found expression in my writing which deals with issues related to the function and organization of global issues.

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Julie R. Click here to view LightPage
Idaho Falls (Western Region), Idaho, United States
Woman of the earth. Heart bursting with love for all things, unable to absorb the density of beauty we witness living on this, “garden island in space."(1) Convinced, " we will save what we love." (2) Full of faith that things can change if we simply change our minds, decide the corner office and a Mercedes isn't all it's cracked up to be, in fact it might just be a big fat lie. That simpler living means that human beings not political systems can figure out ways to feed everyone, since after all the cornucopia has plenty. Unable to comprehend how cutting down forests in football field sized swaths every second and oceans so filthy that swimming is unsafe for humanity much less capable of supporting life couldn't cry out for the dominating species of this planet to take responsibility for the burden of consumption it places on the rest of all that lives. Recognizing that the hand wrapped around a rifle or clenched in a fist could just as easily plant a tree, wipe away a tear or hold another’s hand. I love to hike, spend time out doors, watch the sun rise or set, walk along the sea, meditate, write, read, spend time with my dogs, and much more. 1. Bolen, Urgent Message from Mother 2. Walker, Alice

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Betty A. Click here to view LightPage
Seattle, Washington, United States

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Kiernan A. Click here to view LightPage
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I am an author, visionary, and inspirational speaker. I touch the hearts and minds of seekers ready to live life in a greater reality. My vision is dedicated to being a leader in uplifting humanity to higher levels of consciousness. The dynamic teachings I offer, based on the ancient secrets of the legendary Emerald Tablet, help people to transform their lives and embrace the power within to assist in the creation of a new world of freedom, joy, and peace. My debut novel, PHOENIX STAR – An Adventure of the Spirit, is lighting the way by capturing people’s attention worldwide through its magical storytelling and inspirational insights into transformation of the spirit.

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