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Gather the Women began with an invitation to gather 1 billion women on International Women's Day 2003. 405 gatherings were registered in 23 countries, beginning 5 years of initiatives to gather women in person and online for the sake of humanity. Since 2005 the March gatherings have been joined by a second wave of gathering invited in the fall of each year.

Now as the world turns, we are issuing our 4th call to gather in the fall, on or around October 18. In an age when the problems are complex and solutions not apparent, it is time for women everywhere to come together and create listening and growing spaces where we notice what is needed, where we develop real relationship and support one another, where we find the inner commitment to do what we can do toward a positive future.

Please consider creating a gathering, and listing it on GTW's Calendar for October 2008. When women gather locally in the field of a global intention, we inspire and empower one another to step forward, follow our hearts, and do what we can to change our world.

Each year Gather the Women's Regional Coordinators choose a focus for their gatherings. We feel that uniting around a common theme, intention, and process will increase our awareness of connection and amplify our energy around the world.

The theme for October 2008 gatherings is: RELATIONSHIP.

About GTW Global Matrix: October 2008 Gatherings
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