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Faith D.

Midwest, Oklahoma,
United States

LightPage networks I participate in
Gather the Women Global Matrix

I'm a mother, artist, writer, vocalist, drummer and concerned citizen of the universe. I do research into the cause of and cure for Autism and recovered my twin sons from that disorder and my daughter from learning disabilities through the natural means I discovered.

That discovery was no less than a personal realignment with Mother Nature, the one thing mostly denied by Patriarchal Societies of both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. I spend my time educating those who believe a disconnection from Mother Nature makes us fully human when nothing but the opposite can ever achieve the completion of that creation.

Disconnection from Mother Nature disconnects us from our ability to heal and learn. The sooner humanity comes back to this ancient realization, the faster we will become all we are meant to be. No other method to full health and intelligence exists. All other modalities are fruitless.

Without natural light and darkness there cannot be natural wisdom. The cells that produce it are simply not grown and / or regenerate... Women have known this simple fact for millenia. It's time we made it known once more.



What do you want people to know about you?
My name is Faith and I'm a Factual type of person. I don't believe the two are mutually exclusive. I have personally experienced in physical reality that faith and fact walk hand in hand. It's when people deny the facts that go along with faith that we have problems. This is when we get facts that don't really heal or inform us at all... They are just rotely repeated from generation to generation. No one ever bothers to find out if they actually apply - or not. Mostly they do not.

What is most important to you now?
The acknowledgment of the fact that Mitochondrial DNA, that which comes only from our Mothers, as the power that generates life in our cells, not our Nuclear DNA. There is a great difference. "The Former" = our Creatrix / Matrix, the Energy that never dies, and the latter = the rote directions repeated from generation to generation that no one ever bothers to find out if they actually apply - or not. The latter is not our Energy Source. Never will be, never has been. The sooner we all access our Mitochondrial Power, the sooner we can all become all we are meant to be.

What gifts do you have for others?
Truth. Light. Energy - of the correct "Mother / Virgin" Source that has *known* no man / is not made in the image of man or a "god-son".

What gifts would you like to receive from others?
The same gifts I have to give to them for all is made of the same Gift of Light and Life.

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