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Abigail L.

Ashland, Oregon

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Lifetime Skills and Experience
After years as environmental activist, I underwent an intense spiritual awakening triggered by a book about Extra Terrestrials (ETs). This new orientation guided me to a 2 year clairvoyant training program in San Francisco. When I realized that a revolution is a 360 degree turn, I quickly saw that I needed to redirect my Revolutionary tendencies into Evolutionary ones and thus I became a Pro-Activist instead of a Re-Activist. Doors were opening and I worked as Communications Manager at ISSO (the International Space Sciences Organization) founded by Joe Firmage, and then a research group called Dynamis, founded by physicist Mark Comings. In May 2001. I was honored to participate in the Disclosure Project’s National Press Club Conference to urge Congress to fully disclose information about UFO’s to the public. I have had public speaking engagements on a range of topics from environmentalism, human evolution and ET’s, to pro-activism and prophecy. Currently, I am the Executive Director of Earthdance, an International Peace Organization that organizes a synchronized global prayer for peace in over 50 countries. I am on the board of the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library and also work to support the Grandmothers Council in Ashland.

The Call in my Heart
The evolutionary calling to “know thyself” is my deepest calling. To deepen my understanding of greater truths and how we are a part of this truth is what drives me. I am fascinated by belief systems and the power they have on our experience in this dimension. My interest in civilizations beyond our own is, in part, driven by the need for context and the knowledge that by understanding ourselves in a universal context, we evolve. I feel like we are only seeing a fraction of a reality that is intimately connected to our experience of life. As above, so below. I believe that looking inward is the key to seeing “out there”

What I Want to Make Happen
Inner peace. Outer peace. A world where the primary driving forces are compassion and consciousness.

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