Evolutionary Women Go to your Light Center

Welcome Evolutionary Women! We're delighted that you're here to join our conversations, and we look forward to getting to know you and co-evolving with you.

Dianne M.

Encinitas, California,
United States 92024

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Lifetime Skills and Experience
I was married young, had babies young and was a single mother of three boys by age 30. It was then that I got clear on the gift that life in a human body is. The spiritual importance of health and the true joy of vibrant health became my passion. I got my degree as a Holistic Health Practitioner, which has been my career and my spiritual path for over 30 years now. (Yikes, how time flies.) I have helped many people over the years connect their health with their heart and their spiritual guidance by using many mind/body modalities. More recently I have been guided to be a mover and shaker in the movement to change the paradigm of aging, which is possible, is happening and is still a best kept secret. I have created what I call THE AGELESS CAFÉ, (see website for details: www.agelesscafecircles.org) and am all about genomic research, breathtaking new science as it relates to the aging process, astounding nutrition to feed our overfed yet undernourished society and I could go on and on… I love to educate, inspire and be the change I want to see in the world. I am a vibrant great grandmother at age 64 and am happy to say I am ageless. :-)

The Call in my Heart
“The destiny of nations depends on the manner in which they feed themselves” The physiology of Taste (1825) My heart knows that the human body is a miracle, that life is a gift and that we all came here to enjoy the journey and enrich ourselves, and others. I am happy to be alive. I love being healthy. My personal heart call is to honor all life. My prayer for the planet is that no one is hungry or starving, especially the children.

What I Want to Make Happen
The action I am taking in response to my heart’s longing is to align with a bigger picture of feeding people. The mission and vision that I am aligned with is what I would like to share at our meeting. I am working with Bio-Tech Company of the highest order and would like to share the news about how we can all have more of the juice it takes to continue with our individual and collective mission to make a positive, vibrational shift on Planet Earth! I also have a Foundation called the Ageless Living Foundation, which is currently working with children and their Moms, assisting in the recovery process and building new lives through education and nutrition.

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