Evolutionary Women Go to your Light Center

Welcome Evolutionary Women! We're delighted that you're here to join our conversations, and we look forward to getting to know you and co-evolving with you.

Heather R.

Ojai, California,
United States 93023

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Standing Women

I am a visionary, healer, Indigo, teacher, adventurer, environmental scientist and hydrogeologist, and lover of this beautiful mother earth. I have been consciously evolving for almost a decade(before that was evolving but not completely consciously)and have been working to assist earth and people's ascension in my healership. I am creating with my husband and several women a school for Indigo,Crystal, and intuitively gifted children. I also work with these children and their parents in my private practice. I am teaching a series of workshops beginning January for parents of these children and will be starting a 6 class series for the Indigo,Crystal, and intuitively gifted children in February.



Lifetime Skills and Experience
I have always been very intuitive, psychic, and visionary. I remember being 3 years old and knowing I am an old soul, I’ve had many lifetimes here. I was shown a vision of a world of beauty, peace, and cooperation happening in my lifetime on this planet. I have been dedicated to that vision my whole life. I have always been able to communicate with the trees, plants, animals, and rocks. I am able to see to the root of things. I am able to hold a deep safe space for people to reveal their true selves. I lived in Costa Rica for my senior thesis and wrote the first draft of a medicinal plant book. I earned a degree in hydrogeology and environmental science and worked for 3 years as a conservation biologist, geologist, and hydrogeologist. I left that career and took a leap not knowing what was next. I was called into healing and now work with clients healing soul wounds, false beliefs, and past/present life trauma. I also work with indigo and crystal children and their parents. Right now I maintain a private practice, teach, and work as youth leader/intern with The Ojai Foundation doing rites of passage with 6th, 8th, and 12th graders.

The Call in my Heart
Personal- I’d like to create more fun and joy in my life. Abundance to come easily and joyfully. I’d like to travel and teach. I’d like to really empower indigo, crystal, and intuitively gifted children by creating a place where their gifts are developed and honored. This feels like a big task because these children need their own schools. Planetary- I am creating a tropical healing center where I envision families and groups of adults coming to deeply heal what is holding them back from consciously manifesting their heart’s desire and life purpose. I am creating seven day programs where council, energy healing, guided meditation, and developing a deep connection to nature will be the focus. Fun and joy will be the result. I would also like to create a raw food restaurant at this center (cooked food would also be offered). I see children and parents being empowered by this experience so they can bring the deep healing they experienced into their communities. I see parents and children changing the school system because they will no longer accept the way their children are being forced into a box. I also want to help others to create a deep bond with nature and teach others to do the same. I have a vision of this center attracting people from all over the world. When they go back to their communities they will create a center of light there. I see all of these centers of light(the people in their communities) connecting with each other to create grids of light all over the planet that will help to shift the vibration of the earth to one of love instead of fear.

What I Want to Make Happen
To be completely in alignment with my life’s purpose. I want to manifest unlimited abundance in every way. I want to travel! I want to create several healing centers that I can travel between. I want to connect with other leaders who share this vision to really make it happen! I want to write a book.

Bulletin Board Messages

Belly dance - Chakra Healing Retreat in Panama
Sequoia Ceremony and camping retreat update
Diving into the Divine Feminine Class
I had a request to post this
Sequoia Ceremony and camping retreat
holy golden abundance and birth
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