Evolutionary Women Go to your Light Center

Welcome Evolutionary Women! We're delighted that you're here to join our conversations, and we look forward to getting to know you and co-evolving with you.

Natasha W.

St. Louis, Missouri,
United States

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Gather the Women Global Matrix
Additional information available EVOLUTIONARY WOMEN
Evolutionary Women: Conscious Choices


Hello, My name is Natasha Westrich Wood. I have two amazing children; Ethan age 5 and Sarenna age 3. Being a mother has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Ethan and Sarenna have helped me to remember what it is like to see the wonders of the world through the eyes of a child. I am an art therapist and work with children/teens that have cancer in St. Louis. Working with cancer patients also helps me to be aware of the preciousness of life. I feel the call to join the Evolution weekend for the first time this August. This has been a decision coming in the making all of my life, but especially over the past two years, which is when I started breathwork, dreamwork, read Jean Shinoda Bolen's book: Urgent Message from Mother; Gather the Women, Save the world, joined a woman's drumming group, started spending more time gardening, finding more time to create art, and I have joined a yoga class. These additions to my life have cultivated my decision to honor my spiritual path by changing my path from the Catholic church and changing to a Unitarian church (this is a huge change for a person in the Midwest). I truly enjoy life and all of its joys of creativity, and such aspects have helped me to evolve to the point where I now understand that there must be a Sacred feminine role. With all of this, I am brought to the point where I am now, ready to join everyone in California in a week in a half.

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