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Megan W.

San Francisco, California,
United States

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I am a teacher, healer and evolutionary catalyst in San Francisco. I offer Self-Evolution programs to help people make lasting change in their life. I am dedicated to serving individuals as they shift from a belief system that is no longer working to one that does. I do this through joy, curiosity and love. I am committed to improving the lives of my clients by helping them find health of body, mind and spirit in a profound and lasting way. Through cultivating mindful awareness of the habits and actions that are creating the current condition of their life, and shifting those habits, they live empowered by their greatest potential.

I am also the host of an internet radio show "Shine Your Light" on Energytalkradio.com where I interview various healers, teachers and evolutionary people who are shining their unique soul lights. Listen to podcasts here: http://emergehealing.googlepages.com/media

My Dream
Everyone on the planet understands and celebrates their unique destiny and supports others in doing the same!

Eve Ensler in her work “The Good Body” asks Leah, a 74-year-old African woman, if she loves her body. “Oh, yes,” answers Leah. She describes what she loves about her body down to the moons on her fingernails. She goes on to point to one tree and then another. “Eve, is one of those trees more beautiful than another? You must love all the trees, and you must love your tree.” Join women across the nation in celebrating the uniqueness of their own unique shape. We are stepping off the treadmill. We are going to take a deep breath and find a way to survive not being flat or perfect. Instead of transcending ourselves, we will move into ourselves. You are invited to join us, to stop trying to be anything, anyone other than who you are. Stop trying to squeeze into someone else’s idea of beautiful. Tell the image-makers and magazine sellers and the fashion barons that you are not afraid to be your unique shape. Then be bold and LOVE YOUR BODY. If you would like more information on the Love My Shape project and would like to be part of the nationwide movement to shift the focus off of one narrowly defined ideal and towards more diversity in shape, size and fit, please give join this group. Take part in a new way to transform the fashion and beauty industry standards from the bottom up. We can make a difference together with our voices and our actions. Thank you for your passion for making a difference! Please take a moment and sign up at http://www.lovemyshape.org Megan Woolever Founder, Love My Shape


Greetings beatific women of evolutionary goldenness! I am so overjoyed to be part of this holy gathering.

You can also learn more about me on my websites:


Many holy golden blessings, Megan


What do you want people to know about you?
Many things have evolved me to this point... -A serious lifethreatening illness as a child, at which my family laid hands on me and I was healed. -A Pentecostal upbringing which gave me the foundation for working with and channeling spirit energy from a very young age. -Studies in literature, social science and spirituality in college and ethics and social theory in seminary. -Beginning to heal and thrive after 7 years of darkness in abusive relationships and spiritual numbness. -Yoga practice which led me to a felt sense of my energy centers/chakras and a reconnnection with spirit energy. -Recognition of my Clairsentience and Claircognizance which taught me all spirit energy arises from the same source. -Kundalini energy which spontaneously woke up in me in 2003. -Deepening of and integration with my "I AM" presence on the island of Maui that same year. -Learning to stabilize and integrate interdimensional travel throughout the multiverse in the Dreamtime. -Passionate cultivation of the pillar of light inside of me which draws and anchors heaven and earth energy in my heart. -Allowing this holy golden energy to flow from me, my eyes, my heart, my hands, all of me, all of the time. -Setting the intention to help awaken and cultivate this presence in others. So here "I AM" to be with all of your "I AM"s in spontaneous, sacred, playful abandon!

What is most important to you now?
To support and nourish each person with whom I am here to connect, through the love, light and holy goldenness of my highest being as an offering to their higher self for their growth, evolution and awakening.

What gifts do you have for others?
The activation of each of our pillar of lights to form a golden heart lattice of "I AM" energy which transforms our earth into a radiant planet of conscious creators.

What gifts would you like to receive from others?
Support in anchoring and sustaining the Lakshmi energy of abundance, radiance and universal beingness. Building and sharing my conscious brand strategy and writing work and integrating it with my healing work to support conscious business development and individual awakening. Co-creating communities of healers/visionaries/evolutionary beings to stay awake with! OM SRI MAHA LAKSMI YEI SWAHA

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Holy Golden Abundance!
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