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Amanda K.

Mukilteo, Washington,
United States

LightPage networks I participate in
Gather the Women Global Matrix
Additional information available EVOLUTIONARY WOMEN
Evolutionary Women: Conscious Choices
GTW Global Matrix: Seattle August 2009

I am an artist with a passion for horses, and I often paint ethereal equine images, which I believe represent our individual as well as collective rising consciousness. I enjoy the process of creating art live in front of an audience, and traveling by land to new locations to host art events. I also am pioneering a new way to buy and sell art in society I call Art Caretaking. This process frees the art to move more often between collectors, and allows original art to be enjoyed by people of all income levels in their own home. I welcome all artists and art lovers to join me in exploring this new paradigm in art care and appreciation.

My Dream
My dream is of nature all around - the cities being green again, with layers of crosswalks at multiple heights between buildings, and beautiful greenery filling the spaces as you look all around. Entire buildings in the city are dedicated to the growing of plants for local consumption, and suburban communities have evolved to utilize rammed earth designs with beautiful, harmonious new shapes, pleasing to the senses, and evoking a feeling of openness when inside. These homes provide acres of open land in the form of rolling hills as they gracefully embrace each home underneath, and children and animals freely play on the landscape above, with no need for sidewalks or cars. Animals we currently deem as pets live in the community freely, and are cared for by all and honored for the part they play in nature and with us. Their boundaries are respected by children and adults alike. Animals that are a part of the wild have many areas of sacred protection, and access to move freely between these protected areas via under or overground passageways, restoring their right to free travel around the continents. And ultimately, for myself, I have a beautiful relationship with a horse, and I respect his/her boundaries, and honor the lessons she and all the horses have brought to us. I honor her for her patience with humanity, and she has graciously accepted me as a partner in flight without wings... and for brief periods of time, she allows me to ride without reins.

Our coming shift, horses, art, live art creation events, creating community, healing energy, shamanism, Native American culture, Touch Drawing, Equine Experiential Learning, investing, entrepreneurship, sustainability, Cradle to Cradle design, social networking, Web 2.0, digital art & technology


I am an artist with a passion for horses, and I often paint ethereal equine images, which I believe represent our individual as well as collective rising consciousness. I enjoy the process of creating art live in front of an audience, and traveling by land to new locations to host art events. I also am pioneering a new way to buy and sell art in society I call Art Caretaking. This process frees the art to move more often between collectors, and allows original art to be enjoyed by people of all income levels in their own home. I welcome all artists and art lovers to join me in exploring this new paradigm in art care and appreciation.


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