Evolutionary Women Go to your Light Center

Welcome Evolutionary Women! We're delighted that you're here to join our conversations, and we look forward to getting to know you and co-evolving with you.

Mary R.

New York, New York,
United States 10027

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Women's Millionaire Network
Evolutionary Women: Conscious Choices


I am a woman. I am a young learner. I am a wise teacher.

My call to be an Evolutionary Woman went something like this. Picture me, sleeping in my bedroom. There's a knock at the door. "Mary, MARY KATHLEEN," I hear my mother's voice. "There's a call for you. Wake up and answer it."

Sure, when I first woke up I felt a little groggy. My connection with the Peace Sisters made it easier to get out of bed. I began to stumble around in the dark and over time the sun began to shine more brightly than ever.

I've continued to wipe the sleep from my eyes over the last few months and I've found other things in my life becoming easier. I'm an actor and I've been finding more work. I'm planning a trip to Zimbabwe to gather children's stories that will be formed into a play, and the office work, which isn't my favorite part, is becoming more enjoyable. The power of this circle is effecting my life already. I'm living in the power of our combined light and, let me tell you, IT'S WONDERFUL!

I'm so excited to at last say to all of you,

My name is Mary, I will stay awake with you!

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