Evolutionary Women Go to your Light Center

Welcome Evolutionary Women! We're delighted that you're here to join our conversations, and we look forward to getting to know you and co-evolving with you.

Judith W.

Sarasota, Florida,
United States 34234-5873

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Additional information available EVOLUTIONARY WOMEN
Evolutionary Women: Conscious Choices
The Crone Works


As 1999 came to a close, so did life as I knew it. I left Martha's Vineyard, where I had lived for twenty years, and, in doing so, (amicably) left a marriage of twenty-six years. I had earned my teaching certification/degree in my forties and, at that point, went overseas to live and teach. I had already been led to one spiritual healer, and I met one after another in my travels. I also fell in love.

It all sounds quite simple and romantic in retrospect, but, oh, dear me, what a lot of anquish came with the quantum leaps of growth.

I am not a fit with traditional education, and discovering that was particularly painful, since teaching is both a calling and a passion for me.

I came back to the US just before 9/11 and have been reinventing myself as a writer, taking some courses in metaphysics, and doing a considerable amount of informal counseling.

What is next for me? I do not know, but the anxiety I have been feeling about it has been replaced by a hopeful curiosity and willingness to be guided. At practically the very moment I discovered that about myself, I also discovered this weekend with Evolutionary Women . . .

If I were to name a dream, it would be to play a role in transforming education.

Bulletin Board Messages

Tom and Judith's Grand Adventure
Lake Worth
corrected info
An update on us
An update on the journey of a living space
My Service Project over the holidays
What next?
What next?
...supporting the growth of Evolutionary Women? YES! I HOPE SO!
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