Evolutionary Women Go to your Light Center

Welcome Evolutionary Women! We're delighted that you're here to join our conversations, and we look forward to getting to know you and co-evolving with you.

Rose Mary Eve H.

Germantown, Maryland,
United States 20874

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Additional information available EVOLUTIONARY WOMEN
Evolutionary Women: Baltimore
Evolutionary Women: Maryland


I am a storyteller, spiritual director, musician and dancer in the unfolding of the the story of the Universe. Since 1980, I have been creating spiritual retreats for adults and youth and enjoy teaching the Dances of Universal Peace. Many of my stories come from the scripture of my life expereince and long to encourage others to crack open the beauty of their life experiences and share those stories with other pilgrms on the journey. Some of my stories are written in my book: Dancing in the Crack: Stories of Inner Healing.

I believe in the mysticism of the Sacred Ordinary and believe we are being invited to be co-creators in the New Story the Great Storyteller is dreaming for our Beloved Planet and all her children. I am thrilled to be part of the Evolutionary Women for how better to witness and celebrate the deep beauty and goodness of our stories with one another and dance the Cosmic Dance into the future!


What do you want people to know about you?
I am a storyteller of the inner journey, a lover of the All, the One and have a personal relationship with the Holy Ones, lover of the Nations of Nature, creator of spiritual retreats since 1980 and spiritual companion for those seeking to find their deeper self and connection to the Sacred Ordinary, a musician, a dancer of Universal Peace, a writer of Dancing in the Crack: Stories of Inner Healing, I know well the dark night of the soul and the holy creativity that is birthed through it, I speak out of the tradition of Francis of Assisi who radically loved all as brother and sister, I believe justice is restoring the beauty to that which is deformed and broken, I am currently beginning to offer programs out of the Columbia Center for the Healing Arts in Columbia, MD as well as traveling programs.

What is most important to you now?
learning to live from my Inner Stillpoint where the One is possible; being a soul peace-maker & part of the important transformation happening now in the planet; having the courage to say yes to my creative impulses and no to that which is diminishing & "puny-making" in my mind; finally saying Yes! to the Spirit and birthing my work- "Our Work" in the marketplace; daring to just be me and daring others to live out of that same, wonderful, creative and terrifying place.

What gifts do you have for others?
presence, deep listening, creativity, compassion, embracing spirit, storytelling of life expereinces, openness, wisdoms of Creation Spirituality, connection with the Holy Ones, reverence for each person's beauty and goodness, skills in creating and offering retreats, music and some circle dances of Universal Peace

What gifts would you like to receive from others?
gentle acceptance of me "just being me", a place where one can feel safe when living the creative impulses, help in marketing my programs and being connected to the bigger flow of networking, befriending the mechanics of the internet which is quite frightening to me, need ideas about how and where to publish my book, would love a conversation about the use of the words: God, Goddess, Source Energy, Light, Spirit, Creator, etc., encouragement to stay in the Holy Free-Fall and see what evolves in our evolution!

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Gratitude from Bonnie to all of you...
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