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From: Lucky S.
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2011, 7:57 AM
Subject: News from Circle Connections March 2011
ID: 271722

Circle Connections
Mission Statement

In This Issue
Circle Story and Circle Tips
Events Diary
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Welcome to Circle Connections Newsletter  
Vol. 1.1 ~ edited by Roskje Hasseldine ~ www.womenspowercircles.com

There is no greater time than now for women to collaborate and co-create. We are at a time in 'her'-story where we must dare to trust one another and ourselves, as women and for women, if we are to bring forward and give voice to our most authentic way of being, leading, and making a difference in the world.   
Circle Connections, guided by circle principles, provides an active evolutionary community, a modern day Well, in which women (and the men who love them) can connect, up-lift, and support women and girls around the globe.  
There is no one place for news and information to be shared in support of and to promote the value of circle work as a force for good. Circle Connections offers this collaborative portal to inspire and connect you on this journey.
Estrogen Flows and Circles Rise at the UN
Story co-created by Rhonda Hull and Ann Smith  www.circleconnections.com 
Thirty-one women and girls from many countries and of all ages attended the UN Women's Circle Workshop, February 24th at the UN Commission on the Status of Women Meeting in New York City.  Ann Smith of Circle Connections with help from her colleagues of the Millionth Circle facilitated the workshop.    
After introductions of Circle Principles each woman and girl came to the sacred center and poured water into a crystal bowl. They told their name, where they lived, their organization and their hope for the workshop. This water ceremony was an integral part of the workshop and when the last woman spoke as she added her water, we became united as One.
Following the water ceremony, women formed into five smaller circles to discuss issues and solutions. We rotated and co-mingled the circles using The World Cafe process to build onto one another's ideas.  At the end of three times around each circle the collective wisdom was distilled and revealed our connecting common ground... wanting circles where women and girls are honored to include men and boys, a sense that what had separated us has transformed, and that peace and justice is to be co-created.
The closing of the sacred circle deepened our sense of Oneness.  Each participant briefly shared how this circle experience had influenced her and then took the hand of the woman or girl on her left until everyone had spoken and the circle was complete. Rest assured that as a result of this gathering we are one circle closer to the tipping point.
If you have a circle story to tell, please send it to Rhonda Hull ~   rhonda@circleconnections.com

Circle Tip

In a larger circle a graceful close is sometimes challenging to offer everyone the chance for their voice to be heard. One of the easiest, expedient and equitable ways for closing circle is for everyone to stand in a circle, even if in an auditorium setting.  If you have a hand-held microphone, use this as your "talking stick".   
The facilitator initiates the close inviting each participant to share in five (more or less depending on size and time available) words to say how they are feeling about this circle experience. When complete they then take the hand of the person on their left until all have spoken and all are holding hands in a complete circle.   
The facilitator starts the process by giving her five words and taking the hand of the person to her left.  When this has gone full circle the facilitator ends with a song or a blessing, such as 'go with peace'.
Adapted from Lakota prayer circle.  

Event's Diary
Compiled by Rosjke Hasseldine www.womenspowercircles.com
If you have an event you would like included in our next newsletter, please email details to Rosjke Hasseldine rosjke@circleconnections.com 
1. Episcopal Women Gathering - A call for Spiritual Activism March 18 - 20, Duncan Conference and Retreat Centre, Florida, US. For information and registration www.circleconnections.com/episcopal-women-gathering 

2. Qarma Broadcast's International Women's Day Radiothon - Dawning of the New Woman - Continuting to be the Change March 20, 12noon - 6pm (GMT). Live on www.spectrumradio.net and www.qarmabroadcast.co.uk
3. FREE Teleconference on April 5 at 8pm (GMT). Guest is Diane Burgesswho will be talking about the Male/Female balance within women and what that means. To join visit www.womenspowercircles.com  and sign up for Rosjke Hasseldine's free e-newsletter.
4. Feminism and Teaching Symposium at Nottingham University, UK April 8-9. Rosjke Hasseldine will be presenting a workshop on Feminism in Counseling and the marginalisation of the mother-daughter relationship within the counseling profession. www.feminismandteaching@nottingham.ac.uk
5. Kabbalah and Interfaith conference on how mystical beliefs can promote harmony between faiths. April 15-17 in Birmingham, UK. Early bird tickets £150 (until March 31). Full price £185. For details contact 44 (0)121 449 0344 or info@la-convivencia.org or www.la-convivencia.org
6. Conscious Grandmothering Workshop, April 23, Muir Beach CA, US. Contact Yeshi Neumann www.consciousgrandmothering.weebly.com

7. Circle in Nottingham, UK facilitated by Sue Daly starting on Monday May 9 at 7.15pm (GMT). Cost £90 for the 6 week circle experience. To join contact Sue on 44 (0)1636 52786sue@resolutions-for-change.co.ukwww.resolutions-for-change.co.uk 
8. Tele-circle faciliated by Rosjke Hasseldine starting on Wednesday May 11 at 7.30 - 9pm (GMT). Cost £90 for the 6 week circle experience. To join contact Rosjke on 44 (0)7975921232 rosjkehasseldine@googlemail.com www.womenspowercircles.com
9. Spiritual Laws of Prosperity Teacher Training course with Rev. Maggy Whitehouse on 7, 8, 21 and 22 May 2011 in Birminghtam, UK. Contact Maggy on 44 (0)121 449 0344 or mw@pureprosperity.com or www.pureprosperity.com  

10. The Circlework Leadership Training with Jalaja Bonheim, September 24-30, Ithaca New York. Contact Jalaja  icw@instituteforcirclework.com

CSW Circle
Circle at 55th CSW
Remember, it is far more fun to stop running in circles and become a part of one!
Wishing you powerful connections and joy-full colaborations,
The Co-Creators of Circle Connections

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