Water Convergence From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Saturday, July 24, 2010
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Good Evening Ladies- I have finally found a few moments to catch my breathe and catch up with the community. I am getting ready to go on a two week road trip to many sacred sites that has been planned since the passing of my mother in law. This will be a much needed rejuvenation for my husband and myself. We will honor each others passions and take time to breath in our new life and what is important to us.

I love what is organically growing here, I have checked out the worldwidehealingcircle and am deeply moved and inspired by the focus on Lake Victoria. Our community has two members from Kenya.

I believe the Calender only has a daily feature and unless you click to see what has happened for the last 90 days you will not see the beautiful posting for Lake Victoria. I plan to reach out to our web guru Jeanie and see if we might be able to adjust the calender for weekly or monthly timeframes for this type of work.

I will be joining the focus on our prayers, blessing and healing for Lake Victoria starting with the upcoming full moon cycle.

On another note I will be starting to co-host a monthly Grandmothers meeting in Long Beach. Elisa and I met yesterday for a nice walk in our local Nature Center. We discussed our vision and the idea of adding in a Water Blessing and elements. We will start the first meeting on the beach (I will add it to the calendar) and will let them grow organically from there.

Life is very busy right now as I finalize my mother in laws probate, deal with getting my car repaired, plan this trip and do all that while managing two households and working. I only mention this (since we are all busy) so you know that although I may be quiet I am present with each one and this community. I just have not had the time to share the last few days. I thank you all for keeping the fires burning.

Much love to you all and I will be holding space with you for our beloved waterways focusing specifically on Lake Victoria.
