Water Convergence From: Lavonne Rees
Date: Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Shalahnia- I would be eternally grateful for any and all work sent to John and the rest of the family. I know we are all running on fumes.

Much Love,


--- On Thu, Mar 10, 2011, in msg271694, Shalahnia K wrote ---

Dearest Sister,

I am sending you a warm comforting hug this minute. You and your family are in my heart. I will keep you all in my prayers and add some reiki work, if you give me permission.

Beautiful music. I will be with Whitedeer over the Equinox weekend, facilitating a water blessing there on teh Equinos, perhaps we can listen in that evening.

Please give Sharon and Elisa both big hugs for me, also to Sister Joanie is she is there!

In Cascading Love,


--- On Thu, Mar 10, 2011, in msg271693, Lavonne Rees wrote ---

Dear Sisters- Thank you for holding down the fort as I have been offline for most of the last three weeks and I am not sure when I will be fully rooted again. Some of you know I have been going through alot of personal chaos these past few weeks I laid my mother in law to rest in the sea and at the same time my nephew became critically ill. He has made it through open heart surgery to replace two valves however currently is in renal failure and his liver enzymes are very high. He is literally fighting for his young life.

I am not sure if I will be back online again before the Spring Equinox so I wanted to take this time to share some information from a couple of our other members regarding their Ceremonies:

Dear LaVonne We did decide to go ahead with our meditations for the 20th of March and we began the process of getting the word out shortly after our last exchange with you. We created a sign up page from our website: http://www.dancingwithwater.com/spring-equinox-music-and-meditations-for-the-water/ and the response has been wonderful. If you care to help us spread the word amongst your network we would appreciate it…and we envision doing this on a regular basis as we are prompted, …so we hope you can join us in the future. Actually, we plan on recording this and may make it available for download for anyone who was unable to join in on the 20th. WE would love to keep in touch with you! Many thanks MJ Also Grandmother Whitedeer will be connecting with many around the world on March 22nd. Please check out her website for information:(http://www.waterblessings.org/) I will be facilitating a small group in Long Beach to coincide with Grandmother Whitedeers Blessings.

I will be attending the 5th annual Grandmothers Gathering (http://grandmothersspeak.com/) on the Equinox weekend and look forward to meeting many of the other meeting facilitators and co-facilitators. The energy is already growing strong.

My love to each of you as I walk my journey and I am in deep gratitude for those sending prayers via smoke and the net of light for my Nephew John Coleman and the rest of my family.



