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Lectures on Ancient Philosophy - Manly P. Hall

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FLAMES OF THE HEART ~ SAT, FEB 24, 2007 @ 7:30PM
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From: Nick B.
Date: Monday, February 19, 2007, 5:42 PM
Subject: Flames of the Heart ~ Sat, Feb 24, 2007 @ 7:30pm
ID: 256021

Beloved Community,

Bellow is the text-only description of a sacred event, which I and several Devotees of Love are offering this Saturday, February 24 @ 7:30pm in Santa Barbara.

It is centered around the ecstatic devotional essence of poems from my two new books - most recently endorsed by Ammachi - combined with divinely inspired art mediums. It is a gathering of the Soul Family and a ceremonial bowing to Love, as Love... I'd love to witness and experience your Divine/Creative essence there... (Please feel free to e-mail me personally if you'd like to see the the event poster or for more information.) ~ With Love, Gopinath - Nick

"Flames of the Heart™ The Ecstatic Fire of Sacred Union

A ceremonial surrender to the deepest call of our heart.

Praise and bowing to the Divine through original ecstatic poetry, sacred music, devotional dance, illumined art, meditation, and satsang.

The Poems of Surrender to the Sacred Feminine by Gopinath From his volumes Silent Symphonies: The Explosion of Surrender and Living Flames from a Sacred Fire

“Ah… So poetic! Such a deep heart!” ~ Her Holiness Mata Amritanandamayi – Ammachi, Global Humani- tarian, Gandhi-King Award for Non-Violence

Immerse your heart and take ‘a drink from The Ocean of Ecstatic Love’ in Gopinath’s verses, which likened to Rumi’s, ‘drip the Essence of Union with the Beloved One’.


~ Breathtaking and Spontaneous Devotional Dancing by Cornelia

~ Sacred Art by Oceanna

~ Live Music of Passionate Yearning

~ Essence Poems by Audrey Hazekamp

Visionary, musician and a philanthropist, Gopinath – Nick Blagoev, has been deeply absorbed in the spiritual wisdom of Jesus Christ, Rumi, Sri Ramakrishna, Ammachi, and many other sages and avatars of humanity. Having experienced many life-altering states of unity consciousness, Gopinath’s spiritual revelations and deep heart surrender intensified as a result of a series of personal losses.

Please come in your sacred stillness and magnificence… with your tears and your joy… to be held in your perfection. Be the living breath and limbs of the Sacred Heart!

Bring your most cherished image of the Divine for our community Altar. Release your ecstatic cry with your poem, song, dance or spiritual reading. Bring fruit and flower offerings for our Love Feast!

The suggested heartfelt donation of $25.00 will help us all cover event costs for the space, sound, musicians, and materials. The event will be filmed. Due to limited seating please RSVP with Yoga Soup at (805) 965-8811 (credit cards accepted)."

February 24, 2007 at 7:30PM Yoga Soup 28 Parker Way Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Phone: 805-965-8811 Email:

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