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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Wednesday, September 5, 2007, 12:38 AM
Subject: Double tetrahedron
ID: 258357

Dear Companions of Inquiry,

I've much appreciated the various foci of study that intersect in this space, and often ask myself about the elephant that is being revealed.

I list some of them: Jonathan's focus on the Cocreative Self and finding one's life purpose, with the Santa Barbara community's resonance with Barbara Hubbard's ideas; Bruce and JoAnn zeroing into the primal importance of the One in the Many, and the Many from the One; Starr asking about our own personal Wisdom paths, and Constance expressing one such lineage so beautifully; the many expositions of Ken Wilbur's work with the intersections of the inner and outer, the individual and the collective, with Hillary's pinpointing another featured Wilburian duality, ascending and descending energies; Starr and S'Ace following the numbers and the precision of relationship and personal destiny in the Great Unfolding.

It strikes me to ask myself what direct experience I may have of each of these perspectives... and I find that I have something new occurring within me that may be relevant. This newness has occurred in the last week most intensively but I can see a gradual buildup, and I seem to be able to view our themes against its backdrop.

My experience is this: last Wednesday I found myself experiencing freedom from concern for how others were perceiving what I was saying. (I didn't even know how much a sort of tension was present for me in normal conversation until I had this experience of freedom.) I was not concerned if I was right or wrong; only that I express what felt appropriate to express at certain moments.

The experience happened in circle; later it seemed as though a transparent membrane had lifted, and I was expanded and limitless. This has become a kind of reference state against which my more commonly experienced states now seems laced with tension and constriction.

My husband Jeff has dubbed the limitless state... "the divine spontaneity of all rightness". To refer back to our GR themes, I can understand this "all right" state, as a resting in the freedom and security of true connectivity; in other words, there is a kind of sense that there is no need to fear because the Many are indeed One body of humanity, evolving together en masse. We are coordinating ourselves to one another constantly, optimizing our evolution as individuals and as a whole.

Furthermore, in this state I can easily cocreate no matter what qualities are expressed in another person. I make choices that satisfy my sense of purpose, the outer reflects the ease of my inner space, I feel myself to be a free individual flowing easily in the weave of the One collective (wholeness across levels). (But I must say that in comparison, my "old" habitual patterns are quite difficult to take, and they are refusing to stay in the background.) From the "all right" state there is no question in my mind that the weave has a sacred geometry that can be explored by numerology; that there is a symbiosis of ascending and descending energies emerging (the divine embracing the human and vice versa?); and that some great quantum potential for real change is just peeking through.

I'm very curious to know if in the rich soil of this conversation, others are experiencing an intensification of any kind over the last month, sort of a deep call to inner/outer/individual/collective unity with the flavor of freedom and love?

Thank you for cocreating this field of receptivity, Love, Jeanie

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