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"No one, no living being, is wholly outside the range and reach of the state of consciousness of every other….Every member of the human family is in contact with all others, so that in varying degrees each one influences every human being."
Call to the Heights, Guidance on the Pathway to Self-illumination - Geoffrey Hodson

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From: Michael E.
Date: Thursday, September 6, 2007, 6:29 AM
Subject: Blazen The Trail
Reply to: 260892
ID: 258372

Dear Wolfgang

Herewith supporting science

Although, the brain has inherent rhythms called Delta ,theta , alpha and Beta , the rhythms of the heart are more powerful in that they can entraine the rhythms of the brain to a more coherent frequency. This means that the person functions at a more integral loving, compassionate and caring frequency.

The heart is the second brain. It has now been shown scientifically that the heart has over 50,000 neurons. It produces an electromagnetic field, which radiates up to over 20 feet away. This field has been described as being, the torus. In fact, to visualise it, we would see the person standing in the centre of a giant doughnut shaped field.

When a sense of love, appreciation and harmony is produced within the heart, the brain responds with coherence and resonance producing relaxing and health giving alpha waves. This is the reason why appreciation for life is so important. This process of coherence in the body creates stress reducing hormones and heart math data indicate that when heart rhythm patterns are coherent, the neural information sent to the brain facilitates cortical function.

The heart math organization is the foremost organisation in the world, which does world-class research into the function of the heart.

As stated in the heart math handbook, called the science of the heart,

the heart is intimately connected with our brain and emotional system; the"decisions" made within the heart can directly impact the way the brain perceives and processes information.---- The heart is the most powerful generator of rhythmic information patterns in the human body. As we saw earlier, it functions as sophisticated information encoding and processing center, and possesses a far more developed communication system with the brain than do most of the body's major organs. With every beat, the heart not only pumps blood, but also transmits complex patterns of neurological, hormonal, pressure and electromagnetic information to the brain and through-out the body. As a critical nodal point in many of the body's interacting systems, the heart is uniquely positioned as a powerful entry point into the communication network that connects body, mind, emotions and spirit.

Doc Childre, founder of heart math, has said,"Since emotional processes can work faster than the mind, it takes a power stronger than the mind to bend perception, override emotional circuitry, and provide us with intuitive feeling instead. It takes the power of the heart."



---- On Thu, Sep 6, 2007, Wolfgang Fischer wrote ---

Dear Friends,

dear Starr*,

Quoting Peter Blank: Unhooking from the fear base and connecting to the Love base is a transformational experience. It forms a completely different kind of attraction at the lowest level of consciousness. Life changes for the better spontaneously when this binary decision is achieved.

Thanks, dear Starr*, for bringing this up. It is our personal task as well as the task of any social body (organisation) and culture to spread Love and to dissolve fear.

Unfortunately some major global traditions radiate the opposite - although they often speak about love, humanity and solidarity, they act contrarily and take advantage of spreading fear. At least they profit from maintaining certain levels of fear by very different means. We all know that. It needs personal courage to get rid of that fear and to trust the underlying matrix of love.

Lightworkers since ever do help and encourage to experience exactly that life supporting matrix of loving interconnectedness of all being.

Letting go fear, jumping beyond prefabricated concepts opens up for safe alternatives which nature offers at any time.


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