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"In the depths of the unconscious psyche, the ancient Goddess is arising. She demands recognition and homage….If we grant the Goddess her due, she may compassionately guide us toward transformation."
Return of the Goddess - Edward C. Whitmont, MD

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From: Joann K.
Date: Thursday, September 6, 2007, 7:29 AM
Subject: The One Plan Unfolding ItSelf
Reply to: 260898
ID: 258375

“Through or behind the personal experience operates also a transpersonal guidance factor bent upon shaping a new significance and relation to self, other, and world. A new structuring of communality and consciousness is under way.” Edward C. Whitmont, ‘Return of the Goddess’, Crossroad Publishing 1992, p. 249

“Now is the ‘some day’ of our myths, a time to realize humanity’s ancient dream of Heaven’s peace on Earth. One by one we awaken ourselves; all in one we awaken the planet. We human beings, fashioned out of stardust millions of light-years ago, are capable of remembering and re-experiencing our original home in the peace of God. With that awareness, we can cocreate with God a world that is fully worthy of our stature as spiritual beings in human form – a civilization that delivers divine peace to every soul, turning Homo sapiens into Homo universalis, the human race into human Grace.” Harold Bloomberg & Philip Goldberg, ‘Making Peace With God, A Practical Guide’, Tarcher/Putnam 2003, p. 280

“Forces are working in the present world for unification, not in the name of some ecclesiastical or political empire, but in the sense of human mutual understanding.” Joseph Campbell, ‘The Hero With A Thousand Faces’, Bollingen 1973, p. viii

“The seeds of perfect enlightenment exist in every atom of space, and all beings are unfolding their ultimate states from within themselves in harmony with the infinite purpose.” Manly P. Hall, ‘Buddhism and Psychotherapy’, Philosophical Research Society 1979, p. 292

“We are part of a grand program, moving forward in accordance with the unfolding of our expanding consicousness.” John Marks Templeton, ‘Worldwide Laws of Life’, Templeton Foundation Press 1998, p. 121

“Every experience God gives us, every person he puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only he can see.” Corrie ten Boom, holocaust survivor, quoted in ‘Living Quotations for Christians’, Harper & Row 1974, p. 83

“Every person has a portion in bringing about an age of enlightenment and in constructing a collective Messiah. When you do your part individually, the global reality moves nearer to completion.” Rabbi Shoni Labowitz, ‘Miraculous Living’, Simon & Schuster 1996, p. 305

“Inward development of self, communication between growing selves at the altitudes of their subtlest insights; these are essential to the way forward. Deep introspection, but not alone. Introspection propelled by the incitement of shared discovery.” Richard Guggenheimer, ‘Creative Vision for Art and For Life’, Harper 1963, p. 168

“The soul acts according to the teleological principle of final causes towards its ultimate evolution.” Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D., ‘The Roots of Consciousness’, Council Oak Books 1993, p. 60

“The late Mathew King was a contemporary Lakota (Native American) elder. He said, ‘God gives His instructions to every creature, according to His plan for the world. He gave His instructions to all the things of nature.” Joan Borysenko, ‘Seven Paths to God’, Hay House 1997, p. 22

“Globally, we are at the birthing gate. We are at a time in history where collectively we are laboring to give birth to a new world.” Angeles Arrien, anthropologist and author, ‘Transformation in the Millennium’, quoted in ‘The Fabric of the Future’, Conari Press 1998, p. 104

“The goal of creation is the return of all sentient beings out of separateness and that infatuating urge-to-separateness which results in suffering, through unitive knowledge, into the wholeness of eternal Reality.” Aldous Huxley, ‘The Perennial Philosophy’, Harper 1945, p. 227

“All creation is God’s and consists of nothing but God, with the result that humanity, like the rest of creation, is simply God become concrete….It was only quite late that we realized (or rather, are beginning to realize) that God is Reality itself and therefore – last but not least – humanity. This realization is a millennial process.” C. G. Jung, ‘Psychology and Religion: West and East’, CW 11, Bollingen 1989, par. 631, p. 402

“Increasing numbers of us have heard the Gaian voice and seen in our experience ways of being together that celebrate and affirm life. More and more we are in conversations where we speak of the great forces of life – love, purpose, soul, spirit, freedom, courage, integrity, meaning. The new story is being born in these conversations. We are learning to give voice to a different and fuller sense of who we are.” Margaret J. Wheatley, ‘Reclaiming Gaia, Reclaiming Life’, quoted in ‘The Fabric of the Future’, Conari Press 1998, p. 87

“The main impetus for change will come from the millions of individuals like you, who are experiencing directly the peace of God and thereby know – not just believe, not just understand, but know – that the spokes of all religions merge at the hub of divine union. Those who embrace that truth can lead the way to a collective spiritual awakening.” Harold Bloomberg & Philip Goldberg, ‘Making Peace With God, A Practical Guide’, Tarcher/Putnam 2003, p. 277

“Already, in the silence of the night, I can hear through this world of tumult a confused rustling as of crystalline needles forming themselves into a pattern or of birds huddling closer together in their nest – a deep murmur of distress, of discomfort, of well-being, of triumph, rising up from the Unity which is reaching its fulfillment.” Pierre Teilhard deChardin, ‘The Great Monad’, quoted in ‘The Quotable Spirit’, edited by Peter Lorie, Macmillan 1996, p. 106

“We are a transitional species evolving toward that higher, divine human which has been embodied by the great avatars of the human race and which is being activated in millions of us now, as the whole planetary body enters its ‘crisis of birth’, its time of trial, when the whole must coordinate and integrate itself as one living system.” Barbara Marx Hubbard, ‘Discovery of a New Ordering of the Future’, Unity School of Christianity 1998, p. 213

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