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From: Michael E.
Date: Tuesday, September 11, 2007, 9:34 PM
Subject: X33-meditation :D-VI/VII::6/7
Reply to: 260943
ID: 258439

Dear All

The Council of Science Editors

is organizing a Global Theme Issue on Poverty and Human Development in October 2007.

Science journals throughout the world will simultaneously publish papers on this topic of worldwide interest - to raise awareness, stimulate interest, and stimulate research into poverty and human development. This is an international collaboration with journals from developed and developing countries.


is an award-winning Journal with over 400,000 hits a month.

As editor, I am personally inviting members of the global resonance discussion group to submit an article with abstract and bio on the above topic to me personally, at .

This is an opportunity for international publicity and Global coverage for any chosen paper

Poverty and human development is such a vast subject that I have included some guidelines below, on the possible topics you may wish to choose. Of course, as you can see from the agenda below, everything is basically interconnected. If we want to create a better world then we need to understand the connection between inequity, poverty, over population, and ecological destruction.

We also need to understand the role of the institutionalisation of religion, and the hierarchic structures of organisations in maintaining marginalisation, inequity, exclusion, unemployment and poverty. This is why we need a more open, decentralised society where people have their say in what they want for a sustainable future.

This kind of dialogue also requires interfaith dialogue and an understanding of what it is to be truly a human being.

When we realise that human suffering in the developing world diminishes us in the developed world, in tangible and intangible ways, we are more likely to decide to help rather than hinder. But this realisation can only come through understanding the nature of human relationships. Once the intention is created on a heartfelt basis, and it is decided in our hearts that we wish to co-operate with each other, and nation with nation, then the problems of the world can be solved.

By a wiser and more equitable distribution of medical and other resources and by putting the eco into economics, i.e. persuading governments that it makes economic as well as ecological sense to develop environmental protection programs, we can reverse the trend towards the ultimate destruction of our essential means for survival on our planet.



Dr Michael Ellis


The New Paradigm Journal

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