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From: Ram V.
Date: Wednesday, September 12, 2007, 9:36 AM
Subject: Reflections.........
Reply to: 260967
ID: 258447

Hi Jonathan, et All,

You have so kindly shared:

>>>Ultimately, " the war on terror " which appears to be external is best dealt with on the internal battlefield of my own mind, heart and soul. If I emerge victorious in this battle which is so beautifully portrayed in the Bhagavad-Gita Gita with Krishna's counsel to Arjuna, then I walk in this world as a healing, transforming and awakening force that is a reflection of the One Life... <<<

Ram: Thanks, Jonathan, for sharing your authentic reflections of the secret of the Truth that has always been there since day 1 of creation. I like your analogy of the exterior as a reflection of the inner. In other words, the inner is a cause of the effect that happens in the exterior. Cause and effect go together. If we remove the cause we remove the effect. If we don't care to deal with the root cause, then the effect cannot be truly dealt with. As an example:

.... The reason why duality persists is because false knowledg has not been removed. The attainment of Samadhi (deep meditation) is not a sufficient cause to eradicate false knowledge, and since false knowledge is the cause of bondage, Samadhi cannot therefore be the cause of liberation.... Although it helps a whole lot in this direction....

To find real solutions to the worldly problems/challenges/opportunities, we do need to address them primarily within ourselves first. That's why knowing one's real state in true introspection is the number 1 starter in the process of true living of our lives. Of course, it is further followed by learning/developing skills/attitudes/behaviors to express the inner realized truth(s) in a way that in the arena of the world that offers challenges by way of its being the other way around, one can practically find a way (or ways) to real manifestation (being in sync with the Inner). Simply put, living the outer from the Inner is the essence. This, as I understand it, is applicable to all in all the fields of life; be it social, be it political, be it economics, be it relationships........and be it.. what not. And of course; both on an individual and collective levels too.

You are so right, Jonathan, when you refer to Gita which I personally find as a very thorough reference of the true living philosophy/guidance of life. To me, it contains all the unique religions expressed in One if one truly tries to understand its underlying essence that is common to all of us as a humanity. I have been referring to it as my main guide for the last 30 years. Everytime I read it, I listen to its exponents or refer to it for guidance, I get more and more in-depth relevant real message to dwell and move further with it in life. If you have seen movie, "Gandhi", we can appreciate that's what Gandhi used to do to see light and express that light in the real hard challenges of those see freedom in the face of glaring suppression. That's how powerful it is. And it works. Moreso, when we have clarity/true intention accompanied by dedicated attention/conviction.

Please don't take it as a religious bit, Jonathan, et all. Rather, in openness, see the light in it through many unique ways that are suitable to us as unique beings. And in unique environments, charter your own way as guided from within from its own natural/effortless flow of energy. And this energy is free from any turmoil, prejuidice, dogma and retaliation etc. As it sees all the same as they are.... and as essentially we all are the same. Aren't we?

" We are free only in Spirit.....Look inside for direction"...that's the underlying message contained there/here in...if I may dare to sum it up for brevity and clarity sake. And also for ready reference please.

Hope it makes sense in a way as it is shared. And it is a pleasure to interact as such.

Best Wishes and Kindest Regards.......Ram

---- On Wed, Sep 12, 2007, Jonathan Stemer wrote ---

Blessings every-One,

Today, we each may reflect upon the events that took place on September 11, 2001.

I am moved to offer these thoughts...

How has the world changed in the past 6 years since that day?

All that remains emblazoned in my mind's eye are images of the planes crashing into the twin towers, the flames burning, the towers coming down and the cries of hundreds and thousands of people witnessing and experiencing probably the most traumatic event they will ever go through in their lives.

Living in Eugene, OR, I could only watch as the television news stations played those images over and over. Through vicarious experience, I could place myself alongside those who were there or those who passed on and feel the depth of what they must have been experiencing during that time in the unfolding history of the United States.

...and while my heart goes out to every-One, I am left wondering, what are the deeper spiritual implications of this event?

It seems that destruction must occur and oftentimes very earth shattering events are needed to wake up from the hypnotic dream of separation...In our city of Eugene, OR, there has been an interfaith prayer service that has happened the 11th of every month since that day. Tonight, this was the 6th anniversary of this service which brings people together from all different faith traditions and those who don't practice anything specific. It is a time to offer prayers, chant, sing and do something that seeks to unify rather than divide people in our community. It is a celebration of diversity within unity or unity within diversity.

I imagine that events like this have been happening all over the United States and the world which are attempts to practice joining together through a recognition of our common humanity rather than divide us through our differences.

Here at GRN, we dialogue about many topics all under the context and umbrella of Oneness. This leads me to question if I really am living from an awareness of Oneness or just intellectualizing the concept without really experiencing what it means.

Perhaps, awakening into Oneness is a process which leads to a gradual dissolution of the illusion of separation and a dawning of the One Self as our true identity.

Today, because of the memory of 9/11, I am left asking myself how I may practice dissolving the " me " that appears separate from " you " and let go of fear so that I may allow Love to be expressed more and more through this life. How may I heal the wounds of the past, allow my heart to open more and be a living example of someone who truly lives a life based in Divine Love/Wisdom and an authentic realization of Oneness?

It is not enough that I speak about this ideal while remaining attached to the conditions/beliefs/programs which maintain the illusion of a self that is separate from the world. I want to experience this Oneness with every breath in each moment that unfolds. I want to see the spark of divinity that shines within all people and every aspect of creation. I want to bear witness to the beauty and miracle of life and be able to touch the hearts and souls of every-One, especially those who seem to be suffering...and I am left wondering, How may I be a more loving and compassionate presence in this world?

Ultimately, " the war on terror " which appears to be external is best dealt with on the internal battlefield of my own mind, heart and soul. If I emerge victorious in this battle which is so beautifully portrayed in the Bhagavad Gita with Krishna's counsel to Arjuna, then I walk in this world as a healing, transforming and awakening force that is a reflection of the One Life...

With gratefulness in my heart to all of you,



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