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Ecstatic Journey, The Transforming Power of Mystical Experience - Sophy Burnham

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 11:11 AM
Subject: integral paradigm
Reply to: 261045
ID: 258517

dear jonathan, bruce, and all aligned on verticing labels, vibrating names aligned to contemplative meanings addressed by whatever means ...

i like to participate in the entertaining of unlocking alignments ...

so let's see for the tree by argument 1 to 9 (labelled 0-8):

0 - awareness (of the tree) 1 - creation process 2 - movement 3 - stillness 4 - activist 5 - generative 6 - ritual/cyclical 7 - relational 8 - communion & connection (9 - awakening the tree)

then i refer to a list recently disseminated as a reference A::Z B::Y C::X D::W E::V F::U G::T H::S I::R J::Q K::P L::O M::N , in short a mystical 1-13

A-I and Z-R communicating the 9 as well and J-M and Q-N the meta4 ruling (as a concept)

again picturing the list i use :

( which i recently got confirmed by the 3 sequences 139 , 248 and 657 )

so what does this leave me, now and then us,

0 awareness and s'ilence (& knowledge)
1 creation process practices :: gravitation & cruci-fiction
2 movement practices :: weak forces & subtleness
3 stillness practices :: strong forces & (stub)bornness
4 activist practices :: electro dynamics & aperspective
5 generative practices :: intelligence & perspective
6 ritual/cyclical practices :: humility & humanity
7 relational practices :: patience & power
8 communion & connection practices :: silence & knowledge

then the big 4 ...

what can they be giving 139 248 & 657

:{hey, you donot ask how i got this number; just trust the investigation!}:

what vibrations are communicated giving this safecode ?

of course this is just a simple set-up popping up from my simple thumble mind ...

anyhow it is also free for any docter in the hall of the order of the green bean (mean?) ...

;-) OOOOOOOOOMMMM ssshhhanti Y our S'ace

nom d'un dieu

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