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From: S´ace G.
Date: Friday, September 21, 2007, 12:19 PM
Subject: Language
Reply to: 261070
ID: 258539

reading a line ... as

On the meaning of words -- "dead words" -- you say

can be (is!) a spot where an option to connect and beget passes ...

mostly it passes, certainly with all those messages around (mostly even without any real decision because of an overdosis::be-ware!of-tHaT)

in line with this event happening (this focus on language by message-switching) is Dict(ator)ionary:
~~~ bivid
live together by working together and navigate the common mission

It should be noted that biVid outdates diVid(e); simply accept the "V" working as a circular mirror which invites the challenger a as partner creating.
i bivid on the integral naked mission to evolve as a human being
Source: s'ace, planet earth (formerly ki)

it is a thing that happens every now and then in Y our world

sort of an invitation by inviting to outdate a provocation into a pivot ...

be blessed - never change (T amos)

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