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From: Jonathan S.
Date: Saturday, September 22, 2007, 9:31 AM
Subject: LightPages - Global Meditation for Peace
Reply to: 261086
ID: 258559

Namaste to every-One,

Bruce and Jeanie, thanks for the LightPages. I feel resonance with the vision of this project and would like to explore further how to participate.

In response to the Global Peace Meditation and the recent posts by Wolfgang, Michael, Ram and Starr*, isn't it just beautiful how JoAnn's quotes seem to blend so naturally with the dialogue being presented?

“Can you look beyond the façade of another and empower that person’s beauty? Can you see beyond the affects and defects in others and accept them as part of the beauty of yourself, the wonders of nature, and the miracle of love?” -Miraculous Living - Rabbi Shoni Labowitz

“Only as the heart enlarges its capacity to suffer with all that breathes, to love all that is contacted, and to understand and sympathise with the least desirable of God’s creatures, can the work go forward as desired.” -Letters on Occult Meditation - Alice A. Bailey

All this emphasis on creating peace kind of reminds me of the words from a song by a musical prophet by the name of Lennon. Perhaps, you know them, " Imagine all the people living life in peace...You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us and the world with live/be as One. "

Om Shanti,


---- On Sat, Sep 22, 2007, Wolfgang Fischer wrote ---

Dear Friends

dear Bruce, Sharon, Michael, Jonathan

thanks to Bruce & Jeannie another powerful tool emerged.

Hopefully it will broadly serve to share and spread what Sharon wrote about "her" new place:

"It's so peaceful here, and a genuine sense of connection to Mother Earth"

Let us all starting with the Global Meditation for Peace - wherever and always - try to support, empower and represent following vision, understanding and belief:

At any time of history individuals as well as social communities
have been able to stay within a creative context of being.


This has less in common with universities or sciences
but more with a loving heart and a flexible, open and sensible mind.

It has less in common with cold rational knowledge
but more with empathy and wisdom.


The peaceful always and again have been extinguished by the violent.

The solution is not for the peaceful to become as violent.

The solution is to let the violent experience
the satisfying sweetness of peacefulness.


To a lesser extent this is about techniques or concepts.

Its more about staying in contact
with the creative, genuine, authentic common identity
by means of a loving social network
which culturally is to be woven and maintained
by each individual and supported by society at large.

with all my love, Wolfgang


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