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"Christ appeared not as a philosopher or wordy doctor, or noisy deputer, or even as a wise and learned scribe, but he talked with people in complete simplicity, showing them the way of truth in the way he lived." Angela of Foligno (1248-1309), Italian mystic
The Lion Christian Quotation Collection - Hannah Ward & Jennifer Wild, compilers

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From: Joann K.
Date: Sunday, September 23, 2007, 7:32 AM
Subject: In the Beginning.....the Word
Reply to: 261070
ID: 258565

Bruce: there is a Holy Book out there that says "In the Beginning was the Word" -- maybe words are not always "dead"???)

JoAnn: maybe not :-)

Abundant glimpses of the living Word can be found here at Global Resonance, to mention just one example among thousands, millions. We clothe our thoughts and feelings within wordframes which go beyond intellectual dissection. We reach deep into our hearts and pull out those words and ideas which our brothers and sisters can resonate with….and the understanding we achieve with each other is sometimes very profound, and is increasingly so. We are often choosing and using our words in a way that will open their intrinsic meaning to a wider group of our fellow human beings….words can be a wonderfully useful tool in creating greater harmony and understanding.

Another example of the living Word is our body of quotes gathered here. Whether they speak of the ‘Great Spirit’, or Allah, or God, they sound forth the fragrance of the One Who goes beyond all words….together, in their inner harmony – no matter what words they choose to express this – together, they speak the same One Word, and our intuition can be nourished by this verbal experience, even if our intellects stand bewildered at all the plethora of terms and ways to say the same One thing.

This One Word inhabits every single word ever spoken by humanity….and in the context of the lives which bring forth these utterrances, we can see very clearly the intent of the words given. We can read a treatise from thousands of years ago – Plato, for instance – and we can feel the energizing response that our hearts make to the ideas he presented, in words, about the One Grand Idea which encompasses us all. Who can fail to feel the ‘psycho/spiritual rightness’ of his allegory of the cave? And it makes no difference whatsoever to this actual resonance whether ‘cave’ is translated as ‘labyrinth’, ‘hole in the ground’, ‘underworld’, whatever. We all ‘get’ the idea he was trying to express, the collective, common human experience he was seeking to convey.

Everything, absolutely everything in Nature is a living Word of God. Every song of the birds is their ‘word' about their experience of Creation. Science may be temporarily perplexed as to the precise ‘meaning’ of a particular birdsong, but our Souls have no doubt about the beautiful meaning of their song....they are each sounding forth a very beautiful word….and it is always ‘in the beginning.’

The wonderfully distinct and beautiful cries of the animals, the sighing of the wind through the autumn leaves, the children laughing at the city playground, the rhythmic coupling of the ocean with the shore….all of these are ‘words’ which require no interpretation to our open and receptive hearts….we Know they are all the One Word breaking forth into full-bodied symphony.....

We – humanity – are included in this One Word which Is breathing forth Its unfolding Awareness. We are yet young, and often babble like toddlers learning to say ‘I want’, and ‘why,why,why?’. We are still in our growing stages, and often we find the need to discard our old words because they become too binding and restrictive to our ever-growing awareness….but that’s a good thing.....a natural thing....why use any energy to tear those old clothes to pieces?....Let's bend our One-given Energy into growing ourselves into ever more understandable expression...

….Speech and the words which form speech and writing, are one of the most beautiful gifts and tools we’ve been given to realize our collective human/divine Nature and our essential Oneness. Had we had no words, no written testimony, of our consciousness explorers from times gone by, where would we all be today? If we had no oral tradition, in which we could contain and convey to our children the truths we had forged in the depths of our minds and hearts, how could we ever have begun to truly evolve?

Meaningful dialogue is happening more and more, at an accelerated rate unlike anything we’ve ever seen before on this planet. And this ‘dialogue’ often takes place today on our computers, where ALL we get to see is the other person’s stream of words…..just the words, ‘only’ the words…..and yet we DO connect with each other, those words fly like flaming arrows into our hearts, and we resonate…we collectively experience the living Wholenss….we begin to truly understand….we are each a 'nurturing experience' for each other….all because of our words written to each other, from heart to heart, soul to soul.

Give words a chance. And Know that even those things which are ‘dead’ and ‘gone’ have their beneficent effect on the present, even if it is only to see how far we’ve come, and how far we have yet to go.

In the beginning was the Word, yes…..the One Sound which sculpts all form into being with Its Life-giving, harmonious vibrations….This One Word enfolds all the little words within Itself…the howl of the coyote, the rain tapping on the roof, kittens purring, the cry of all species’ newborn, thunder’s rousing trumpets and the resonating beats of all hearts….and the unfolding speech of Humanity, destined someday to be engulfed in white-hot intuitive expression and mutual understanding, for the healing and awakening of ourselves and our One precious World.

Loving you all in the One,


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