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From: Ram V.
Date: Sunday, September 23, 2007, 5:37 PM
Subject: Global Art Project for Peace
Reply to: 261101
ID: 258569

Hi Aline, et all,

Welcome aboard!! Nice post. Global Arts project for Peace looks great and is already sending peaceful vibrations. Would love to see more of authentic interactions from you whenerver you can.

Kindest Regards and Best Wishes....Ram

---- On Sun, Sep 23, 2007, Aline Munsch wrote ---

Hello EveryOne,

For a few weeks now I have been receiving numereous communications in my e-mail inbox about all your communications, at times not being able to keep up reading them all, never mind replying.

This morning reading various posting and some of Ram's comments (who introduced me to this group)I had an experience of our interconnectedness.

So I stopped procrastinating and looking for the enlightened thing to write about or waiting until I had my website up and decided to face my fears of posting on forums, best way to transcend them.

I thought that the Global Art Project for Peace might find a resonance with someone in our online community and chose to post the site and the press release below. Perhaps someone will feel called to forward the information and link some more groups and individuals.

I had met Katherine, who singlehandedly originated this project in 1994, during a shamanic trip into Nepal and Tibet three years ago.

May love and light prevail on our beautiful planet Earth and beyond.

Aline =-pUUPEeQRDw and =UqoIiTRS4Ag

Press Release Contact: Katherine Josten Founder/Director Tucson, Arizona, USA 1-520/628-8353 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Global Art Project 2008: -Artists Join Worldwide to Promote Peace-

Tucson, Arizona, USA, September 24, 2007. The Eighth Biennial Global Art Project for Peace invites participants around the world – groups and individuals – to join in a multicultural celebration of global unity through art. Anyone can participate.

In March/April 2008, participants around the world will create, exhibit and exchange art expressing their ideas of a peaceful global community – resulting in thousands of messages of peace and goodwill simultaneously encircling the Earth during the week of April 23-30.

Since it’s beginning in 1994, the Global Art Project for Peace has linked 78,000 participants on seven continents. Nominated for a UNESCO Peace Prize for Tolerance and Non-violence, the Project connects people of diverse cultural backgrounds, providing exposure to new ideas and a feeling of connection to the Whole. 180 Regional Coordinators are currently helping to organize Global Art Project activities in their area of the world. Project organizers are soliciting additional Regional Coordinators to distribute information and organize group participation in their local communities. Participating groups include art councils, artist cooperatives, music and dance groups, churches, corporations, libraries, Big Sisters, Boy Scouts, environmental and community groups, hospitals, women’s clubs, youth and senior programs, and YMCAs. Hundreds of schools in locations around the world are participating and will involve thousands of students from kindergarten through graduate programs.

“The purpose of the Global Art Project is to joyously create a culture of peace through art. The Project gives participants in local communities an opportunity to join together to create a cooperative global community. It’s an opportunity for people to seed the future with visions of peace,” Project Founder/Director, Katherine Josten.

The Global Art Project for Peace is a 501(c)3 non-profit, grass-roots organization. Organizers invite donations and sponsorships to support the Project. For additional information about the Global Art Project for Peace and how to get involved by participating, volunteering and/or funding the Project, visit or send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Global Art Project, PO Box 40445, Tucson, AZ 85717, USA. Tel: (520) 628-8353. Email:

2008 Global Art Project for Peace Time-Line February 29: International Registration for participation postmark deadline.

March: Creation of art expressing global unity (any medium—visual, literary, performance, etc.)

April 1-22: Local community exhibitions/performances of art created.

April 23-30: Worldwide art exchange.

Ongoing after April: Community exhibitions of art received.

A 15-minute Global Art Project DVD may be purchased to show to groups and schools.

Visions of Global Unity: Inspired Images from the Global Art Project a postcard book of 30 images from the first exchange in 1994 is sold at the United Nations Bookshop, NY and through the Global Art Project


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