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"If we are to see things in their right perspective, we need to understand the past of man as well as his present. That is why an undertanding of myths and symbols is of essential importance." Carl Jung
Man and His Symbols - Carl Jung

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From: Sharon M.
Date: Monday, September 24, 2007, 8:22 AM
Subject: The Art of Blessings
Reply to: 261104
ID: 258575

Jonathon and everyone:

That was lovely. Thank you. I passed it on.

On that same YouTube page I noticed this Buddhist dance. This group is phenomenal.

Blessings, Sharon

---- On Sun, Sep 23, 2007, Jonathan Stemer wrote ---

Namaste Every-One,

I found this video on YouTube:

If this link doesn't work you can type in: The Art of Blessings, when you get to YouTube and it should take you to it.




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