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The Philokalia, volume 2 - various authors, compiled by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Monday, September 24, 2007, 9:04 AM
Subject: In the Beginning.....the Word
Reply to: 261107
ID: 258576

---- On Mon, Sep 24, 2007, Sharon Mijares wrote ---

Dear friends:

the Biblical "In the beginning was the Word" is a reflection of ancient Egyptian mythology where the God "Hu" was the first utterance. I think Greeks used the word "Logos."

So what does this mean?


This is very intriQuing, dear Sharon ...

i put all my money and clothes on "hunab'ku" ...

lets imagine this as a binding fold between the psychological/mental worlds and the physical/street worlds ... which has many names and has also suggestions as:

the measure and rhythm of the rhyme ...


god is a number; good is in all; ...

So ... in the end is the S'word which also may intriQue to

Silly wor(l)dS as Serendepity or Spades or SpaceTime and another neverending dance till Some ::D ... :{ this is an invitation to a maraThon - which occasionally startingly started at Olympia, Greece and is now running for T i'be T }:

Let us hand over the Pole from South to North or from "Zuid to Noord", oops, i forgot 2 other directions the Wind chooZZZes

;-) with fun and some Erasmian FollY ... Y our S'


a rhythmical offer to contemplate HuNaB'Ku ...

Hu :: Time to Live :: Ego'suffering
Nab :: Experience the Other :: Digesting Space
'Ku :: Listen Higher Self :: Live & Communicate OneNess

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