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From: Michael E.
Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 12:31 AM
Subject: Global Coherence Monitoring Project
Reply to: 261110
ID: 258578

Dear Jonathan.

The Institute of Heartmath, has been doing research into the heart for years and is a commercial organisation with tremendous altruistic components. They have found evidently, that dramatic changes in the earth influence the human nervous system and a range of emotions. They've also found that human coherence manifested as heart centred feeling has a profound effect on the environment. It also found that the holographic patterning of the subtle aspect of the eternal nature of the self or soul, can be proven scientifically, and that this epigenetic essence can have a profound effect on changing or at least affecting the DNA.

It is also evident that there is, a two-way process, between ourselves and the moods of the biosphere. As much as, the biosphere can influence us, we can also influence the biosphere, positively or negatively depending upon a state of consciousness.

This experiment, which you kindly mention is a scientific project to even more validate these premises. I feel this is like an enormous jump for humankind as we begin to transmute and transform into a new kind of human being.

Of course, Roger Nelson, at the global consciousness project, Princeton University has been doing this for along time. He set up, REG counters , I would think, 10 years ago to map the effect of global consciousness change on the environment of the biosphere. major deviations in these counters from random affects were seen for example on the death of Princess Diana, and around 911..

More than more, we are beginning to see a different vision and a different reality regarding the nature of ourselves and our inextricable relationship with the biosphere and the Cosmos

The Institute of Heartmath has its own special biofeedback technology based on heart rate variability and we can use this technology to create coherence between our heart, The centre of our intuitionand wisdom with the frontal lobes of the brain. Presumably, they will be using this kind technology to enhance our relationship with the biosphere.

Perhaps we should contact them, and tell them of our group, who we are, how many there are on the group and asks if we can work with them in some way.

What do other people think? namaste


---- On Mon, Sep 24, 2007, Jonathan Stemer wrote ---

Namaste to Every-One,

The Institute of Heartmath which many of you know about is currently involved in a project called, The Global Coherence Monitoring Project, which has great potential to validate scientifically the importance of the wisdom and intelligence of the heart on individual, collective and planetary levels.

You can check it out at:

We have dialogued often about the mystical, intuitive, right-brain, holistic wisdom that is related to the sacred feminine and its apparent separation from the scientific, empirical, left-brain, sacred masculine intelligence.

In our pursuit to find an integral model that is truly inclusive of all ways of knowing the One, a vision that Bruce has been continuing to work on for some time, as well as the rest of us, I see that the Institute of HeartMath may have something valuable to contribute. They appear to be marrying the sacred feminine and sacred masculine beautifully and providing the scientific evidence that is required to substantiate their research and intuitive knowing that the seat of true intelligence and wisdom lies in the heart.

I would welcome feedback and insight from anyone on this subject matter, especially as you may see the connection between Heartmath and what we're attempting to bring forth here at GRN.

I was told by Constance that a message I sent her is one that she thinks is sorely needed in our world today.

So, I leave you all with these words which she is referring to from, The Bridge to Eternity, " There has never been a time that we were not united, for we dwell together eternally in the Kingdom."

with gratitude and appreciation,



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