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"God cannot be separated from God and so is separate from nothing at all. God can differentiate Itself in countless ways, which It does as a means of Self-Expression, through which It becomes Self-Conscious. Yet differentiation is not division. Separation does not exist."
What God Wants - Neale Donald Walsch

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 3:04 PM
Subject: Demo Vote Range Elections
ID: 258639

dear People who Try with a Destiny in Greatness to Whisper,

a new method to vote for allTime personalities / figures of (cosmic) historic importance are listed in order to resonate on a/some world citizen wish ...

use Y our uniQue ability to V(ote) and Thereby give a Noise to Y our Being Here ...

and do not forget The Silence ...

Y our S'ace

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