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"Focus your attention on your heart, deep within the chamber of your heart. This is the place where your Higher Self, your Buddhic self, holds a vigil for you with such tenderness, such profound understanding and such deep desire to heal you."
Quietly Comes the Buddha: Awakening Your Inner Buddha Nature - Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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From: Joann K.
Date: Friday, October 19, 2007, 6:27 AM
Subject: Freedom in the One
Reply to: 261240
ID: 258748

“We are one with that homeless person we saw going through the trash receptacle. The woman at the local market, the man who comes to check our gas meter, and all who have hurt us, abandoned us, and have otherwise wronged us, along with all the women and men we have never met – we are to realize that we are equally, fully one with every blessed one of them.” James Finley, 'Christian Meditation: Experiencing the Presence of God', HarperCollins 2004, p. 113

......when this happens, dear friends....when we finally all realize that there are truly no outcast 'others' in our lives, no matter how different their surface lives may appear to be....then, and only then, will our world Know Peace and Harmony for All.

.....when we can work from that central core of our Soul, where the differences are transcended by a clear, natural perceiving of our fundamental Oneness with each other, then - and only then - will our World truly Act as One, with conscious, wise choice within this Living Wholeness Who we Are.

.....this includes ALL - even those who we may 'feel' are 'dangerous' in their political, religious, or cultural persuasions. This includes ALL - not only the homeless and the neighbor and the meter reader, but also those whose beliefs and ideals may temporally and temperamentally be totally opposite to ours.....even those whose apparently irresponsible actions may wound us, hurt us, or abandon us....we are ALL blessed in our own way, ALL here for the purpose of expanding our individual and collective Consciousness on to ever-greater Realization in the One Who we ALL Are....each one of us is a necessary and blessed part of the One Who Is.

In a forum like ours, dedicated to the expansion of this realization of our collective Oneness, it is important to keep this very fundamental Truth in mind, as we share our thoughts and experiences with each other. This is not a forum where differences are meant to be highlighted - there are millions of forums out there which go for this sort of thing...., we should really want to sound the counter-note to those agonized cries of, we are asked to commit ourselves to an integral way of thinking and feeling which opens our hearts and minds to a committed concentration on the One Who equally lives each one of us.....each one.

.....“We are one with that homeless person we saw going through the trash receptacle. The woman at the local market, the man who comes to check our gas meter, and all who have hurt us, abandoned us, and have otherwise wronged us, along with all the women and men we have never met – we are to realize that we are equally, fully one with every blessed one of them.”

EVERY blessed one of 'buts' allowed in this One.



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