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From: Alan D.
Date: Sunday, November 4, 2007, 11:25 AM
Subject: ID Diversity - The Epidemic?
Reply to: 261411
ID: 258879

Thank you Constance (more good stuff to help widen my perspectives),

Very breif reply:

The Inquisition of the past has been 'liberated' or emancipated to some extent and 'insanity' now-a-days is treated differently - this is a beginning to a higher-reality in identity but, in my experience, the IDDD (I-Dentity Diversity Disorder) remains the greatest obstacle to real-emancipation:

Constance: We have (all of us, each and everyone of us) an internal dialogue, and from birth and in infancy...we know who we are.

This may be 'native' within us - BUT - if the hypocrisies of miss-directed 'diversity' perverts the native desire to know the simple truths about who we really are then we settle for the 'common' or 'dominant' social identity that gives us 'acceptability' under the guise of normality and hereby the quest for real identity is poisoned? The 'cover-up' of IDD is still endemic?

AlanD ( Home-Office - ID Dept)

---- On Sun, Nov 4, 2007, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

Good Morning Alan and All!

Alan: By serendipity you have helped my thinking somewhat by highlighting the NEED for diversity - however, while the importance is not denied, it's the IDD (ID diversity) at the basic level seems to confound so much 'civilized' behaviors...?

Constance: Yes, and you see things very clearly. At the basic level, we are struggling with who we are. At all levels in humanity, we have asked throughout our existence...Who am I, Why am I, What am you have stated earlier. These questions underline the core of who we are, and the discovery of these most essential questions, will unlock the universe in ways we have yet to explore and experience. The force may hit us like a tidal wave or flow within us at that moment :-)

Alan: Thank you for your reply and worthy thoughts - BUT - many of my original concerns continue...

Constance: Thank you for these questions and for the concerns you raise here at GR...perhaps (y)our dialogue can open doors for others who might be having these same concerns.

Alan: While it is certainly a common behavior, how pretentious, or insane, we would seem to tell, or even to suggest to folks "We are Gods (in the making)"?

Constance: Well, must I have to be insane or pretentious to say or suggest that I AM GOD?

Perhaps in the past, yes, these very words or the mere suggestion of them would bring down wrath and death. Again, "Who are you (who am I) to dare utter these words?" In the past, I AM/GOD was shared in secret, said in secret, written in secret and traveled amongst others in secret. Ah the past, I treasure it as though it's presence is here with me now, and whispers thank you...all that pain and suffering has finally been acknowledged and freed, absorded in love, in now. God says, "Thank You Constance, are you home now?" And I say, "Yes, and wow, what a journey it has been!" Hmmm...there is no fear here and I can say, I AM GOD!

Alan: Christian doctrinal writing says of their One-God - "Ye shall have only One...."

Constance: This writing is incomplete, it leaves out the part where we are all One, the One within, is the One without.

Alan: Enlarging self-identity seems to be on a need-to-know basis and most folks just don't want to really know who they are. A few years ago I wrote a 6 page treatise (very gentle and circumspect missive-style, I thought) on the subject of Human-Identity. I offered it to various acquaintances and have been disappointed at the responses (or, more generally, the complete lack-thereof).

Constance: We have (all of us, each and everyone of us) an internal dialogue, and from birth and in infancy...we know who we are. We are God, but as we become aware, the outer dialogue doesn't reflect what we know internally. There is a portion of us in society that never let that dialogue down and struggled against the flow, but never resisted the voice within that 'in this moment' leads us into every moment we share while we are here. Others let the outer dialogue give them voice, and the inner dialogue never stopped interceding the noise of the outside, but the individual let the noise be the voice and lead. Alas...lost, bewildered from his/her own making, their voice gets louder, and soon it's heard again, and the individual recognizes its own voice, and then takes responsibility to start letting the voice within, speak without, and he/she is returned. It's a process, but it's starting to root. The seed has always been, but it was ignored, denied, buried deep within, in the deepest shadows, in the darkest corners. We are warriors, we go where, yes, where most people fear or dread, but we slay the dragons, we walk through fire, our swords light our way, and they cut the threads of the deepest veils, it parts the fog with its very heat to shed light everywhere, if there is any armor, it's our resistance to fear. Many warriors walk amongst us. Are you not One my brother?;-)

Alan: My conclusion is that most folks are just 'pretending' because they can't tell me who they really are....

Constance: They cannot tell you, because they are still struggling with the noise, they must go within and experience it for themselves, but you can definitely lead the way amongst your friends, associates, family, lover, etc. Define your leadership from within, go with what you know, and as much, as often, in every moment...start's all about how you use your energy.

AlanD (ADD, IDD, IDDD, and many other degrees of imperfection:-)

Constance: You said it yourself, "We are Gods in the making"...time to get to making;-)



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