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"This sacred spark of the divine nature within us has a natural, strong, almost infinite longing for that eternal spirit of God from which it came forth." Jacob Boehme
Mystics after Modernism - Rudolf Steiner

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Sunday, November 4, 2007, 7:43 PM
Subject: Integral - What is Enlightenment
Reply to: 261414
ID: 258883

Thanks for your profound deliverance of an observation on Enlightnement & Integral AQAL, dear Bruce, and for all nice to be here and disseminating your words ... ;-)

i, here in Holland - TheNetherlands , am also watching both - as they label themselves as the Pandit & the Guru, Wilber & Cohen. and, not only watching but also kind of practicing their theories in humanemergence. .

my attention was catched by "Thanks very much, Mr. Ken Wilber, for getting this term 'Integral' into the popular conversation, and influencing the world; this is a great accomplishment. But -- with due respect -- it seems to us that we do need to move forward beyond (or around) this AQAL model, since, though it is suggestive, it is not directly grounded in the core Oneness through which, we believe, all integral process and concepts must be interconnected."

what i see is that wilber defines a :-) ::

which i label "a 1 side brain perception on language" (seeking for common sense)

what i sort of want (with all of us) is ::**::

which i label "an enlightened human perception on our speak" (again, seeking for commons sense)

maybe in this respect an article i recently "got" from kees boeke (1945) may tell what that is about ...

who is kees boeke? he was a teacher in holland who sort of invented "sociocracy" (and raised 3 children of our old queen Juliana).

On the Pandit & Guru & HumanEmergence ...

What i see as a typical american way to mesh themselves in the world is that they interfere by productizing ... It seems to me that the chemistry is only working as the money-system ticks. Well, shortly put, and probably not a sympathized way to pronounce ... and i also see , indeed, lots of free energetic creative frictions available ... Here, is a domain for a Great Investors ... so the whole bunch is opened up in the peoples speak:

we are creating our language, or rather tales ...



"language" is from my perspective including a "meme" : "lang u age"

it therefor includes a sort of "fear for dying", which is to be overcome "each day of a life" or maybe i.s.o. "to be overcome" ... "to let" is a more refined articulation that defines a common mission.

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