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"Human individuals possess the momentous power of choosing either selflessness and union with God, or the intensification of separate selfhood."
The Perennial Philosophy - Aldous Huxley

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From: Ram V.
Date: Thursday, December 6, 2007, 7:20 AM
Subject: Resonance Network Design - The Desire to Do
Reply to: 261748
ID: 259215

Hi JoAnn, Bruce,et all,

Thanks for your dialogue. JoAnn, you have said: >>>……the Teaching is ‘Know yourself’, not ‘feel yourself’. We are very much more than just our feelings, and we need to take the whole picture of our collective Nature into the.....<<<

In the context of Real Knowldeg, the 'feeling-knowing' terminology is used from the in-depth feelings/realizations which is transcendental/transpersonal to the sensory feelings to which you seem to refer. That's why it is said that a person who becomes prefect in the yoga/union of the SELF, finds it (the knowledge of the Self) within oneself in the course of time. Your reference here on the senses level is bypassed and entered into the realm which is beyond the intellectual understsnding and in essence it is indescribable. Again some kind of terminology has to be picked up to express the truth in the words whic are available. Once again, the Knowledge of the Self....'know yourself' is far beyond the mere intellectual understanding. May be the following explanation from those who have realized the Self may give us more light:

>>> The senses are superior to the mind, superior to the mind is the intellectual understanding and superior to the intellectual understanding is the knowing of the Self. Therefore know the Self and control the self by the Self...<<<< ...................Gita 3.42-43

Hope it helps in taking a step further from the intellectual arena.

Respectfully submitted......Ram ---- On Thu, Dec 6, 2007, Joann Kite wrote ---

Bruce: But I would say, dear JoAnn -- that it matters absolutely -- because you ARE "The One" -- and WE are "The One" -- and "how we feel" is very much an indicator of the degree to which we are consciously realizing this....

JoAnn: Thanks, Bruce…….but, to me, ‘how I feel’ seems to be a very subjective thing, changing from one moment to the next. If I based my spiritual work on how I feel, there would be many days when nothing would get done…..days when I feel sick, or rejected, or when I don’t get a good night’s sleep and everything I do that day is tainted with weariness…..feelings, emotions, moods, aren’t enough, I feel, to galvanize spiritual work to its maximum potential.

Bruce: This Oneness and Love is not just mental -- an ideology with which we agree. The question is -- have we assimilated this energy into our beings? Have we "realized" it?

JoAnn: But this Oneness isn’t just feelings, either….It IS an ideology (ideology: the study of ideas, their nature and source)….All parts of our nature need to be caught up in this realization of Oneness, and this includes a firm mental foundation which can say, ‘Hey, look, I’ve realized this Oneness – and so have thousands of others throughout history, from all spiritual traditions and ways of life. This Oneness I’m ‘realizing’ is not just the way I subjectively feel, it’s the Way things Are – here’s the solid testimony that confirms my feelings.’

Bruce: If we say -- "when one of us is injured, all of us are injured" -- is this something we must solely understand through private mystical attunement?

JoAnn: Of course not. Nor is it something we must say solely through our feelings. We must have a solid theoretical foundation from which to present this Truth, and this ‘do unto others’ Truth is presented over and over again in our Quotes, in such categories as ‘Ethics’, ‘Humanity’, ‘Living Wholeness’, ‘Goodness’, etc…..this Idea, that when one of us is injured, all of us are injured, has been popping up through our collective consciousness for millenia, so when we say this, and live this, we are certainly not basing this realization on our own meditative postures or mystical vagueness – it’s been thoroughly documented by all of our spiritual traditions, as well as by people who claim no spiritual tradition.

Bruce: Or is it conceivable -- that we might be consciously speaking back to one another -- all of us, parts of One Being -- saying today my part is feeling this....

JoAnn: …..or… I am Knowing this. I may have a headache today and feel rotten. I may be hurting from an unkind word from another. I may be caught up in feeling like no one cares, or that my life’s work has turned to dust – but what does that matter, because I Know that my Oneness with all beings can never be damaged because of my feelings. I can Know that, no matter how I feel, the Oneness is there, and it’s Real, and I can read the testimony of thousands to help me get back to feeling more in line with Reality……Can my – our – subjective feelings really save the world? Or must we also bring mind and harmonic testimony into the picture? Healing will require our whole beings, not just what we are feeling today or any day.

Bruce: How is YOUR part affecting MY part -- and what do we have to do -- to get this potentially magnificent interconnectedness -- fully in synch?

JoAnn: Through many ways…..and one of those ways is to see and speak of our One Human/Divine Nature…..what about those who are in prison?.....those who are lying sick in hospitals?.....those who have no access to the internet?......I often pray for the day when those 10,000 quotes can be put in book form, to make their way into all the places where our feelings can’t be heard. I imagine a day when a homeless person can walk into a library to get warm and come across these ’10,000 ways of saying I Love You’…..a day when that lonely, psychologically tortured individual can open this book and find the cure for his loneliness in the companionship of thousands of his fellow human beings who tell him that he is worthy, he is loved, he is needed in the Divine Plan.

Bruce: Someone might claim that this is all happening at some abstract or mystical level -- but for me, the issue is the actual facts of life -- life in the flesh, life on the streets. That's the planet we need to heal, in my opinion -- that's the planet we need to bring into resonance: the planet where this warm frail body gets out of bed in the morning, and goes to work to feed the kids and pay the rent.

JoAnn: Exactly. And those ‘people on the streets’, not yet in synch, are not going to find the nourishment they need from yet another ‘chat room’ where subjective feelings are aired…..this may help, yes, but we need much more than that. We need the Arab coming together with the Jew, saying the same One Truth. We need the poor and the rich coming together and proclaiming our natural birthright of equality and brother/sisterhood. We need scientists and poets and statesmen and teachers coming together and putting forth the same perfectly Divine ideology of our Oneness, our Living Wholeness….basing their teaching not on their subjective feelings alone, but also on the obvious facts of our existence, which remain the same no matter how we feel about it in the moment.

Bruce: So -- how YOU feel, dear JoAnn -- IS important. How EVERYBODY feels is important.

JoAnn: Well, that’s how I feel :-)…….I feel that feelings are important, yes, but that feelings are just one aspect of our nature…..Knowing, really Knowing, and spreading that Knowledge everywhere, in every nook and cranny and street, is far more important, I feel, than just monitoring our moods of the moment…..

……the Teaching is ‘Know yourself’, not ‘feel yourself’. We are very much more than just our feelings, and we need to take the whole picture of our collective Nature into the conversation…..the ‘man on the street’, frankly, doesn’t really care how we feel – he’s looking for some Truth based on the facts of Life that can give him hope of a better world for himself and his family.

Love to you all,



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