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From: Ram V.
Date: Thursday, December 20, 2007, 8:37 AM
Subject: What KIND of Resonance?
Reply to: 261857
ID: 259316

Hi, the Resonators of the Pure Field Energy,

AlanD: ... how do we compose (plan) master-works that will awaken and play-upon the senses of self-realization and help higher truths to be heard?

Ram : Just Be that you are and you will know,in your inter-connection with the rest of the universe, what to plan/do for it. Being one-Self is being with the whole cosmos. Just be natural with the Nature that orchestrate the dance of the whole universe....that's the key, I see, AlanD. Rest is all hot air.

AlanD :Are we in our pretensions about 'resonance', spinning-our-wheels and making-smoke rather than designing' a resonant-action, befitting the needs of the World?

Ram: Let's first know the unchanging reality of That, and acknowledge the fact that the general human who, over times, deviated from his/her essential nature (i.e truth/freedom-awareness and joyfulness of love, freedom and peace). Then return home to the Mother Nature, it will not only be befitting you, but also befitting the needs of the world. Just radiate that you intrinsically are. That's what is needed in the world of to-day. Maybe our next 72 hours Love-Radiance intent Experience on Dec.21-23/07 can answer all your questions, if you decide to have your authentic intent as such. This will help to philosophize less and Be more that you intrinsically are. Then there are no more confusions/ delusions. As all this dark stuff will be effortlessly replaced by authenticity, simplicity and clarity.

Just embrace it. It is all your's, AlanD.


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