Global Resonance Network Go to your Light Center
"Everything living dreams of individuation, for everything strives towards its own wholeness."
C. G. Jung: Letters, 1951-1961 - Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffe, editors

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Thursday, December 20, 2007, 11:59 PM
Subject: The Core Group Process
Reply to: 261871
ID: 259330

Thanks, Jonathan -- for this sensitive comment --

It's interesting -- I just got back home after spending the evening over with Jeanie and her husband Dr. Jeff, and some friends, as we sang some Christmas carols and rounds -- and then, when the crowd had dwindled a bit, we got out a tambourine and a couple of drums, and got into a spirit with some rhythm flowing through it....

I was thinking a lot all day about this "resonance" -- what it takes, whether I got it or not, whether I encourage it or crush it --

and I could feel that especially because of these songs -- these carols, these love ballads to God -- the spirit is so sweet and kind, and then there is the "fa la la la la la la la la la" energy -- I mean, I got to get With That, you know what im sayin

The Christmas Spirit --

so, I am absorbing that -- a message from the carols, a message from the people and their spark -- a message from Dr. Jeff and his guided meditation on cooling it from the depths ("denial" -- good grief! says James Brown)

You know what. We are a very blessed bunch. Truly we are. The divine forces have smiled on us. So, ok, we got a long row to hoe, but so what. We got yumpin yimminey and the roof aint leaking. We're alright.

So, I'm just saying it. Thank you all, total blessings to you all...

"Maintaining group resonance is a delicate act of orchestration requiring sensitivity, trust, and the highest integrity. It cannot be forced, but is an act of both personal and collective will. A successful Core Group is a sacred space that embraces diversity, brings forth individuality, and encourages the highest sort of co-creativity."

---- On Thu, Dec 20, 2007, Jonathan Stemer wrote ---

Thank you Bruce for providing this description of the Core Group Process. It is a clear, succinct and beautifully written expression of what resonance is really about it. I really don't think it could be made any more clear than what Carolyn Anderson has written here.

This is precisely the kind of group that I feel drawn to be a part of and had the privilege to experience in 1989 while living in South Florida. At that time, I participated in a resonating core group at a Unity Church in West Palm Beach, FL which adhered to the essential principles and spirit that has been described here.

I also realize that it is more challenging to create this in non-physical space, but I do think it is possible to do. I appreciate your commitment to making this happen and I too would like to see GRN return back to its original intention as so clearly articulated in this piece that you've shared with us.

This upcoming year of 2008, does promise the opportunity for this sacred circle that we've been moving in and out of to really begin to expand out beyond this forum into the thoughts, words and actions of our moment to moment daily lives. Although we may not be connected physically and be able to see, touch, hear, taste and smell one another, we know intuitively that we are intimately related through this resonant field.

As the indigenous elders have continued to state, " We are the ones that we've been waiting for, " the time is NOW and we are part of what may be the most unparalleled time in the course of human evolution on this planet. There is much work to be done and as you've written in a previous post, those of us who are devoted to the call which we hear from deep within are responding and doing our best to serve that higher purpose for which we've been born at this time.


Jonathan (a brother on The Path)

---- On Thu, Dec 20, 2007, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

I was just looking at the little web site we created for our local Conscious Evolution group, and there, quite prominent, is this simple direct statement about collective resonance. This explains it pretty well, I think.


Enhancing Love Between People in Groups, Teams, and Families

by Carolyn Anderson


Since its inception in 1986, Global Family has encouraged groups all over the world to come together and create spiritual family through the Core Group Process. These meetings provide a loving, safe space for personal growth, spiritual exploration, social cooperation, and community building. The process supports individuals to find their true partners and actualize their deepest calling through joint projects and entrepreneurial ventures.

The foundation of all Global Family work is group resonance and open-heartedness. For, as we believe in our hearts, so it is done. When we connect with others at the heart, the universal force of creation works through us to guide us to our perfect place of service. When we align our energies heart to heart, an invisible field of union, oneness, and creativity is born. We call this resonance.

Resonance is the heart of the Core Group Process. It is the way to birth and nurture the culture we choose. It occurs only in a field of love, trust, unconditional acceptance and mutual support and is born and nurtured in “safe spaces.” Resonance disappears in the face of judgment, criticism, tension, and animosity. We start with self-love and the unconditional love that is freely given by Spirit. Accepting this love is accepting that one is blessed and worthy of such love. It does not depend on other people; it does not depend on what we do, or on our daily successes and failures. If we judge or condemn ourselves, we are denying the worth of the Creator and the creation of which we are a part.

Resonance comes from intention, attention, telling the truth, and connecting center to center. Practices such as meditation, yoga, prayer, chanting, song, dance, silence, mindful speech, and conscious movement allow us to attune to higher vibrational frequencies. When we are in our centers, experiencing the Essential Self, we are in resonance with all that is—and we attract resonance into our lives.

We learn to cultivate this energy consciously until it becomes a natural way of being. We intensify our practice by connecting heart to heart in Resonant Core Groups, bonded by our passion to release the highest potential in each individual to be the Self.

When the field of resonance is built, we feel lighter. The body seems less dense as we move to a higher energy frequency. Emotional and physical healing occur spontaneously as love opens the cells of the body, releasing the contractions of anxiety and dis-ease. Boundaries between us dissolve. The Co-creative Self rises up and comes forth. It is magnetized into the light of day by the field of love. A vibrating frequency, a harmonic, blends our energies into a common chord. An aura of euphoria permeates us. The heart opens and fills with love and joy.

In our groups, we practice loving our neighbors as ourselves and each other as co-creators. If we love ourselves as creations of the Divine, we can easily love another in the same way. Loving our own gifts, we can appreciate the gifts that others have to offer. Joyfully, we join together for the conscious evolution of ourselves in an accepting world.

When we connect with others at the heart, we take a quantum leap beyond the capacities of individuals alone. Social synergy results, creating a whole greater than the sum of its parts. We experience total alignment. We experience a jump in consciousness, freedom, and creativity. We experience that we are one.

Maintaining group resonance is a delicate act of orchestration requiring sensitivity, trust, and the highest integrity. It cannot be forced, but is an act of both personal and collective will. A successful Core Group is a sacred space that embraces diversity, brings forth individuality, and encourages the highest sort of co-creativity.



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