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"'Namaste' has become such a powerful tool, such a meaningful and special exchange of energy: 'The God in me sees and honors the God in you.' There's nothing more to be done if we really mean that….if, when we say that, we really mean that – then the struggle is finished, the search is over, and enlightenment is ours at last."
Tomorrow's God, Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge - Neale Donald Walsch

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From: Jonathan S.
Date: Friday, December 21, 2007, 10:56 PM
Subject: Solstice
Reply to: 261877
ID: 259341

Bruce and every-One,

I believe that it was Meister Eckhart, the German mystic, who was quoted as saying, " If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. "

Thank you Bruce for this offering...

---- On Fri, Dec 21, 2007, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

somebody said last night -- that the solstice happens today a little after 10am santa barbara time -- which is right now...

as i type these words...

this energy cycle of the past couple of weeks -- in my world, it's been intense -- very much an "ascent" -- a going up...

i usually feel things like this around these moments of "phase shifting" -- the solstices, the equinoxes...

today -- is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere --


what i can say is -- something in the spirit has felt very sweet.

there is something moving -- something profoundly creative, and gracious...

something that moves with the flow of anointed grace -- in a kind and tender spirit -- that seems to move with the wind, with the organic energies, with the lifeforce flow through the grass...

are we "trying" to converge something? is there "a message" -- something that wants to be said -- something that wants to be heard...

does this energy work through us by grace, by a gift of the universe -- or does it in some way depend on us, as "the hands and feet of God"....

or does it even matter? we just -- move forward --

i can feel that vibe -- it's like that line from the disney movie "the lion king" --

"can you feel the love tonight...."

maybe it's our LRIG

maybe it's the hovering fire-light of the cosmic Christ...

maybe it's solstice

maybe it's evolution

or co-creativity

or just -- the sweet spirit of mutual caring and concern and friendship...


for me, it does tend to feel as though we are moving towards a jumping-off place

so, things are still gathering, maybe becoming quieter, a little more coherent...

but the love is out there, alive....


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