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Invisible Acts of Power: Personal Choices That Create Miracles - Caroline Myss

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From: Michael E.
Date: Saturday, December 22, 2007, 6:19 PM
Subject: Humanity`s birthday
Reply to: 261884
ID: 259343

Greetings and glad tidings ~

This is Humanity`s Birth Day

Blessings to all on this Solstice, as Our hearts together with the fields of our planet and solar system are in resonance with the great heart of our galaxy

We celebrate the conjoining of The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto as Pluto aligns with the Galactic Center for the first time in 250 years.This is the most significant celestial event of the new century. Around the solstice the Earth will be lined up with Mars on one side of the Sun and Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto on the opposite. We celebrate Christmas and prepare to begin the New Year.

Warmest Wishes


I salute you all for your wonderful work


Note the 50000 nerve cells in our hearts and the 50 billion stars in the incandescent heart of our Galaxy!! There are as many connections in our hearts as there are stars in the heart of our Galaxy

PS it is Joseph Chilton Pearce who defined the energetic torus around the Human Heart which communicates with the brain through an electromagnetic spectrum including radio waves on many frequencies. The heart has also over 50000 neurones and is a brain and is the site of intuition and the gateway to coherence and peace for all of Humanity. The torus around the heart is directly in coherence with the torus around the Planet Earth, around the Sun and the milkyway Galaxy. The heart of the Mliky Way Galaxy has a core of 50 billion stars which is like a gigantic multifaceted jewel representing the primal heart and core of the Living Galaxy

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