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From: S´ace G.
Date: Sunday, December 23, 2007, 7:25 PM
Subject: Save the World
Reply to: 261889
ID: 259348

THankHS for your melodY ResonanCE, dear STarr*

somehow a mailing i got here seems to be in lign with ThaT:


A message from nue to all members of Sacred Union on Children of the Sun!

Dear Great Ones,

I am sponsoring an upcoming teleconference series that starts tonight!

The topic is "Anchoring the Light!"

Join me in this series as we help to bring more and more Light into our bodies during this special season!

It is critical that we anchor the Light at this time into our bodies!

We will be offering various techniques that you can use to anchor light, and then we will practice them together! --------------------------------------- Easy Activation Techniques

The guided meditation techniques work through the paradigm of FEELING. As you feel your body in the different major organ regions, you can activate your chakras in the deeper dimension.

I have found that through FEELING the physical body you can activate its INFINTIE POTENTIAL.


Our Power Grows Together!

Together we can raise our vibrations so high that we can use that power in the body to heal the whole body and the planet!

As the DNA system reactivates, we can restore the Divine Codes of Love, Joy, and Harmony to every cell of our bodies!

Now is the time!

May your inner Light-Show of Joy and Awakening begin!


"Anchoring the Light" Series!

Conference ID: 3111-3113

3111: Date: Sunday, 12.23 Time: 9pm Eastern Standard Time

3112: Date: Monday, 12.24 Time: 10am Eastern Standard

3113: Date: Tuesday, 12.25 Time: 9pm Eastern Standard Time

To sign up for the telecall please send an email to

pleas include the conference ID you will attending.

Love and Light nue.

Visit Sacred Union here


NaMaSTe, Y our THumble PoeZieALbum ...

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