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From: Joann K.
Date: Monday, December 31, 2007, 7:21 AM
Subject: Happy New Year
Reply to: 261887
ID: 259375

Time marches on, dances on…..flows through every galaxy and atom, sweeps us all into becoming ever more finely defined images of this One in Whom we all live and move and laugh and cry and seek and serve…..

I’m so happy that Time has brought me here to you, dear everyOne… happy to be a living cell here within this growing organism of good-will and integral vision, dedicated to the service of the One in our All…..

…..No matter what our new year together may bring, dear people, I’m sure of one thing – it’s a very GOOD thing we’ve started and are nurturing here, a very, very good thing….planned and prayed for by a thronging host of our fellow travelers who have danced along this time-path with us. So many of our sages and saints and beloved, eccentric visionaries have foretold a precious time for Humanity, when groups such as ours begin forming all over the planet, bringing healing in their wings, breathing forth a healing, whole-ing Wisdom which has the power to bring into time the conscious, collective, colaborative Realization of our Unity within the One of us All….cooperatively, compassionately, naturally and spontaneously, like the forming, beating heart within the embryo……

…..we live in a sacred time, indeed, and we carry a sacred calling within the womb of our awakening Souls, beating out healing pulses far and wide, all over our beloved Earth……

……so let us all join our spiritual hands together, gaze deep into each other’s spiritual eyes – these eyes show us the promise of things to come!….and let us walk together through this time of the birth of a New Year, with hope burning bright in our breasts, with the light of the rising dawn of Consciousness showing us the Way, and with a Love that will not rest until each one of our sisters and brothers is caught up in this One Vision along with us.

God bless you in your New Year, each and everyOne of you,


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