Global Resonance Network Go to your Light Center
"Everyone has a heart. Everyone wants love. Our true vocation is love. The core frequency that unites us all is love."
Who Do You Think You Are? The Healing Power of Your Sacred Self - Carlos Warter, M.D., Ph.D.

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From: Jonathan S.
Date: Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 11:31 PM
Subject: Circle of Interconnection
ID: 259386

Namaste Every-ONE,

After responding to Bruce's last email, I saw this image on GRN... (Bruce or someone else with more understanding of posting images may be able to post it for us)

...since the image says so much I wanted to include it in our unfolding process and journey together:

Let us all imagine stepping into this circle of light and interconnection and as we take our place and invite others to do so, it will continue to expand and expand extending and radiating light outward from within our hearts to include everyone and everything in all of creation both here on Mother Earth and into the farthest reaches of the inner/outer Universe.

In the Spirit of Love, Peace and Connnection,


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