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"Philosophically viewed, the whirling wheel and its ever motionless center can be a potent symbol of the human struggle toward insight and harmony…..Only in the still center of the imperishable Self is true perspective apparently achieved."
Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery - Cranston/Head, editors

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From: Ram V.
Date: Sunday, January 6, 2008, 6:35 AM
Subject: New Beginning!!!
Reply to: 261952
ID: 259407

Re: Barak Obama's Key pointers towards Interconnectedness/GR:

Wolfgang:>>> Anyhow we should be cautious and not lose hope in case things develop differently later on. We know where to go, what to feel, how to behave - we will carry on, no matter what happens.<<<

Ram: Thanks Wolfgang for your caution. However, my main point of bringing these points (i.e. shared in yesterday's post) was to highlight how beautifully they fitted in with our mision of Global Resonance. And that of this month's theme of Inter-Connectedness at Love Radiance Intent Group experience during Jan.18th to 20th/08. Similar to this message is also a reference from our compilation of quotes at GRN:

“All things are linked together, and connected with one another in a chain extending from the lowest to the highest; so that we see that they are not many, or rather, that all are one. For inasmuch as all things hang on the One and flow from the One, we think indeed that they are many when we look at them apart, but when we regard them as united, we hold them to be one.” Asclepius III:19c

Thus considering the Inter-connectedness pointers , of course, I agree with you, dear Wolfgang, we be careful that:

- We are participating in everything with detached involvement; not imposing any ideas of how things should be done. Rather allowing ourselves and people around us the freedom to be as they are.

- WE be Ever-present witness and seeing the Truth in the moment as it is; not as it should be based on past conditioning, beliefs, superstitions, dogmas and what is said for the sake of saying...etc.

These two themes may be also our focus at the fourth LRIG 72-hours experience during the month of Feb/08. Comments?


---- On Sun, Jan 6, 2008, Wolfgang Fischer wrote ---

Dear Ram,

I am with you with all my hope, though cautious. I have read his entire victory speach.

BO really speaks hope-spreading encouraging words - like Martin Luther King did at his time.

BO however in his political career did not vote so much differently from mainstream politicians - may be just tactical moves.

Anyhow we should be cautious and not lose hope in case things develop differently later on. We know where to go, what to feel, how to behave - we will carry on, no matter what happens.

with love, Wolfgang


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