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From: Joann K.
Date: Sunday, January 6, 2008, 6:56 AM
Subject: New Beginning!!!
Reply to: 261951
ID: 259408

Ram: from Barak Obama's victory speech in Iowa... "We are One nation. We are One people, and our time for change has come. We must move beyond negativity, division, pettiness, jealousy and fear. We must unite the nation and the world with a common thread of hope, belief (deep) and destiny (of unity). We can do it, by choosing hope over faith, unity over division, reality over cynicism, and freedom over dependence. The time has come to be aware of the choices and the challenges we face as a nation, and world. We can do, what cynics say, we can not do. We believe in this change so deeply that when cynics say, we can't do it, we do it. This is the time to stand up and do something. Brick by brick, block by block, ordinary people can do extra-ordinary things..."

JoAnn: Hope….Unity….Reality…..Freedom….One people…..AMEN!!

What a precious seed Obama is sowing in our political world, how beautiful this message he brings of Oneness and Unity! Yes, for sure, we can all bring this blessed change we need by CHOOSING hope over fear and reality over cynicism….it really IS a very simple choice that is well within our power to make.

By focusing on the positive aspects and abilities of our Humanity, rather than the negative, Obama is calling forth from within us those very qualities that we need in order to bring about this change that is so much needed. For far too long, fear has contorted blurred our Realization of our True Nature. For far too long now, petty divisions have hypnotized us into defensive postures and narrow-minded visions of exclusion.

So, for the Love of the One and All of us, let’s all listen to this modern sage, Obama, whose words resonate so richly and sweetly in our own hearts, if we are open to the Truth – Let us give up all negativity as though it were a dread disease (which, really, it is)….and let’s give up any and all opinions or theories which tend to divide us one from another….and let’s let go of the short-sighted fear clawing at our innards (because, really, fear never sees the Whole picture, never)….

….and then, when we’ve cleansed ourselves of the phantoms that have bound us, let us look calmly and fully into the Face of our One Reality, which is crying now everywhere in the wilderness, yearning to be born, in Love, in Compassion, in Understanding, in Wisdom, here, there, and everywhere, ‘brick by brick and block by block’ throughout our beloved Earth.

…..and let us always each bow and kneel to that One Wisdom, Whose altar lies deep in our hearts, and let us ask this Wise One what unique gifts we have that can contribute to this positive, creative change that is beginning to breathe forth everywhere in our global atmosphere….

…….the dawn is definitely rising, we must be up and about and doing that Work which the One is accomplishing through us…..

What a precious, sacred time to be alive!!


---- On Sat, Jan 5, 2008, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hey you all Global Resonators,

Here is something really wonderful and most recent relevant to our Global Resonance theme:


New Hope, New Direction, New Vision; something we can do, and here is a little excerpt from Barak Obama's victory speech in Iowa...

"We are One nation. We are One people, and our time for change has come. We must move beyond negativity, division, pettiness, jealousy and fear. We must unite the nation and the world with a common thread of hope, belief (deep) and destiny (of unity). We can do it, by choosing hope over faith, unity over division, reality over cynicism, and freedom over dependence. The time has come to be aware of the choices and the challenges we face as a nation, and world. We can do, what cynics say, we can not do. We believe in this change so deeply that when cynics say, we can't do it, we do it. This is the time to stand up and do something. Brick by brick, block by block, ordinary people can do extra-ordinary things..."

* * * ......Ram


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