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From: Jonathan S.
Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 2:29 PM
Subject: New Beginning!!!
Reply to: 261962
ID: 259418

Namaste Bruce, Jeanie and every-One,

Thank you again Bruce and Jeanie for all of your energy and effort in creating Light Pages and the new look of GRN and its sister sites. There is a really good feeling and energy to it.

Bruce...I appreciate your enthusiasm (en-Theos/in God/dess) for Barack Obama and the message of hope that he brings for the future of politics in this country (United States) and what it can mean for the people of this country and our relationship to the rest of the world...which surely needs an infusion of freshness and inspiration that is long overdue after these past 8 years.

While I also share this enthusiasm for change and feel a resonance with Obama's words, the issues around politics seem to raise some questions about inclusivity and unity.

I have felt the same energy that many feel for Obama when I've listened to Dennis Kucinich and seen him speak here in Eugene. I also was moved by Bill Richardson, the other night during the Democratic debate by some of what he was saying.

There is no question that change is needed and Barack Obama may be the best candidate to be a voice for this change and Spirit of Democracy.

Still, I guess I'm a little disappointed at the way the media just discounts Dennis Kucinich, who I've followed since 2004 and clearly articulates principles and values that are in alignment with what the general pulse seems to be here at GRN and in other circles of conscious people that I know. Those who consider themselves part of what Paul Ray named the " cultural creatives " which make up 1/4 of this country's population seem to have views and values that are most aligned with Kucinich. He is the one who has had the vision to push for a Department of Peace.

At the same time, Kucinich also stated that if he wasn't going to do well in New Hampshire for the voters to support Obama. So, perhaps Obama may end up being what is best for the next phase of evolution in this country. It is my hope that if he does become president that he chooses people like Kucinich to be a department head of an area of government where his ideals and values can make a significant impact.

In the Spirit of Democracy, Jonathan

---- On Tue, Jan 8, 2008, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

The spirit of change is in the air...

Today is another big moment in USA politics -- as the presidential primary election in the state of New Hampshire is taking place.

I heard NBC news anchor Brian Williams say a couple of interesting things.

He commented that "there has been no reason to vote FOR something in a long time" -- pointing towards this amazing positive spirit that Obama is bringing to the situation --

And he also mentioned that Obama's language is changing, saying that "He has changed all the 'I' references to 'we'. It's a movement now."

American politics has been in something like a state of gridlock for years now -- as the integrity of the process has been turned over to marketing dynamics (polling, triangulation, etc).

And here comes Obama -- also sensitive to marketing dynamics and so- called "political reality" (a politician must be sensitive to these issues) -- but he blows straight on through these questions -- by speaking of "us" -- and not "me".

In this sense -- he is a voice of "The Spirit of Democracy" as we have outlined it here on this site.

Obama -- is about "bringing out the best in people." He knows how to do this -- it's deeply instinctive with him -- plus, it is a honed skill.

The news commentators are saying "it's a movement now". Maybe they are right.

I am not into "predictions" -- but there is this feeling in the air -- that there could be a landslide. I can feel that possibility. The energy is there -- the people are so ready for something new -- something that moves -- that gets us out of this stuckness --

Tonight, when we get the results from New Hampshire, we'll have one more strong indication of where things are going.

For me -- it feels very positive -- even rather awesome.

Can these things happen?

Well, yes, we don't really know, we can't predict, who knows....

But to me -- I can feel the energy. It's there, it wants to move....


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