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From: Jonathan S.
Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 9:56 PM
Subject: Another Pointer Towards 'Interconnectedness'.
Reply to: 261968
ID: 259424

Namaste Ram, Bruce, Constance, Jeanie, JoAnn and everyOne,

Greetings from Eugene, OR

What is most fascinating about what has happened in the New Hampshire primary is that we have evolved to a place in consciousness where we are even considering a woman or an African American man to be the Democratic nomination for the president of the United States.

This alone speaks volumes...

As the journey continues and we watch the events in the political arena of this country unfold, may we remember to move more and more towards the centre of the circle where diversity merges with unity and unity merges with diversity in the heart of the One.

In the Spirit of Oneness,


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